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那么你是熟悉巴黎近郊的罗?You know the environs of Paris, then?

一个晴朗的下午,玛丽亚带孩子们来到郊外。One sunny afternoon, Maria took the children to the environs.

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公路以及与公路直接毗连的地方,那时仍然在东北军手里。The road and its immediate environs were then held by Dongbei troops.

这是第一个位于圣彼得堡附近的真正大理石宅邸。This is the first truly marble palace in the environs of St. Petersburg.

如果在杰明街附近走走,你会发现更多更丰富的东西。Ifyouwalk around the environs of Jermyn Street, you will find more diversity.

在这个子行业中,你将在航行或移动周围提供护理服务。In this sub-sector you will be offering nursing services in voyage or mobile environs.

风水大师说调整床周围的环境可让夫妇更亲密。Feng shui masters say that adjusting the environs around a bed can bring couples closer.

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他的官方主教权威,仅限于安提阿及周边地区。His actual official ecclesiastical authority as bishop was only in Antioch and its environs.

风水大师说调整床周围的环境可让夫妇更亲密。Declutter it. Feng shui masters say that adjusting the environs around a bed can bring couples closer.

第二天,正如伊利亚·安德烈伊奇伯爵答应的那样,快用早膳的时候,他从莫斯科近郊领地回来了。Next day, at lunch time, as he had promised, Count Ilya Andreitch arrived from his estate in the environs.

我攀登克利夫顿峡湾的岩石,对周围环境写生,渐渐恢复了体力。I recovered my strength by clambering about the rocks of the Clifton Gorge and making sketches of the environs.

建筑设计和外部标高的详细资料应作为其所处位置及周边地区的补充。The architectural design and the details of the exterior elevations should complement the site and its environs.

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其余的军队在军营里,巴黎四周的联队还没计算在内。The remainder of the troops were confined to their barracks, without reckoning the regiments of the environs of Paris.

因此,在苏州城周围,园林的数量大量的增加,达到200个,现存的大部分园林还是保存完整。Consequently, the number of gardens in the city of Suzhou and its environs increased a great deal, mounting to 200 odd.

本文旨在于探讨元代京畿地区的城市—区域关系。The purport was examining the historical geography of urban-region of the capital city and its Environs in Yuan Dynasty.

那是一月下旬的一天,烟雾迷蒙,云层很低,尤其是在堪萨斯市的四郊。The day, a late January one, was inclined to be smoky with lowering clouds, especially within the environs of Kansas City.

那些对散落着残垣断壁和隐藏危险的城市废墟的轨迹是最危险的战斗。An assault fought amongst the rubble-strewn and treacherous environs of a ruined city is the most gruelling kind of battle.

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再比如,冉丛微想半夜去看星星,他就真的拉着她跑到郊外去看。Another example, Rancongwei wanted to see the eyes of night at midnight, then he would take her to the environs and see it.

让游人在此感受古河、古桥、古寺、古镇、古关的同时感受禅意郊野。It makes tourist taste aged-canalage, aged-bridge, aged-temple, aged-town, aged-col, and meanwhile environs scenery with Zen.

航天飞机直到1981年才开始飞行,之后肯尼迪及其郊区享受了一段经济相对稳定时期。Shuttles didn't begin to fly until 1981, after which Kennedy and its environs enjoyed a period of relative economic stability.