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他们没有权利去认证遗嘱。They're not empowered to probate the will.

你的遗嘱查验或信赖一定被位于在美国里面。Your Probate or Trust must be located within the United States.

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他翻阅了保存在伦敦遗产承办处的亨利•埃德蒙兹遗嘱。He inspected Henry Edmunds's will at London's Principal Probate Registry.

你还可以在书中读到遗产规划的要诀,包括规避遗嘱认证费用的方法等内容。You'll find tips on estate planning, including ways to avoid probate costs.

他们可能愿意也可能不愿意交出,或者那些东西算是遗嘱的一部分。They may or may not have been handed on in the will or perhaps they are part of probate.

然后他在剑桥大学学习遗嘱,遗嘱认证及遗产相关的课程。He subsequently studied Wills, Probate and Administration at the University of Cambridge.

遗嘱检验法院命令出售夫妻财产并就出售所得款项公平分割。The probate court ordered that the marital home be sold and the net proceeds divided equally.

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萨福克遗嘱检验和家庭事务法庭的一位书记员称,上周提交的这份离婚申请还未经审理。A clerk for the Suffolk Probate and Family Court said the case, filed last week, is impounded.

上诉法院撤销了分割财产判决并且发挥遗嘱法院根据意见重新判决。The court reversed the judgment in the partition action and remanded it to the probate court with directions.

当未亡人过世时,在两个信托中的财产将全数传给继承人而完全不须要遗嘱公证。On the death of the second spouse, the assets of both trusts pass directly to the heirs, completely avoiding probate.

通过增加财产管理和避免遗产认证,信托可以进一步让你特别制定遗产分配方式,。Trusts let you customize the distribution of your estate with the added advantages of property management and probate avoidance.

信托公司通常也提供遗产规划服务,使委托人能够调整自己的个人业务,目的是使遗产税和核实遗嘱的花费最小化。Estate planning is usually also offered to allow clients to structure their affairs so as to minimise inheritance taxes and probate costs.

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遗嘱检验是一项程序来检验遗嘱是否是有效的具有法律效力的。Probate is the legal process to prove whether a will is authentic and valid. The process is used to pass on items in the will from the deceased to beneficiaries.

县法官检验遗嘱、保护受县庇护的人、押交人到精神病院。在一些州,县法官同时还相当于未成年人法院法官。County judges probate wills, take responsibility for wards of the county, commit persons to mental institutions, and serve as juvenile court judges in some states.

社会——家庭、部族、等级制度、教堂、村庄、遗嘱认证法庭——建立并强制执行假定对每个人都有好处的婚姻协议,也许除了对情侣们自己。Society—family, tribe, caste, church, village, probate court—established and enforced its connubial protocols for the presumed good of everyone, except maybe for the couples themselves.

在律师的监督下,代表客户处理财产转让、公司和商业法律、基金、遗嘱,遗嘱认证和诉讼事务。Acts for and on behalf of clients in the areas of property transfer, company and business law, trusts, wills, probate and litigation under the general supervision of a Barrister or Solicitor.

大体上说,奥巴马夫人家族历史,是依据19世纪的一份遗嘱、泛黄的婚姻证书、退色的照片以及一位叫思摩仑尼娅的老年妇女对这个家族的回顾而展现的。The outlines of Mrs. Obama’s family history unfolded from 19th century probate records, yellowing marriage licenses, fading photographs and the recollections of elderly women who remember the family.