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从他的裤子里掉出来了一把尺子。A yardstick slides out of his pants.

正确的准绳只是这一刻。The correct yardstick is just for this moment.

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真实的成果是衡量成功的准绳。Real results should be the yardstick for measuring success.

化装品对此在准绳上不起任何作用。Cosmetics yardstick not afford to go any role in this regard.

更为相关的参照数据应是20世纪初的美国。A more relevant yardstick is the America of the early 20th century.

他们以这方面的作为衡量未来损失的尺度。They then made this experience a yardstick for evaluating future losses.

因此主观评价是判定室内空气品质的主要依据。Therefore the subjective evaluation should be taken as the yardstick of IAQ.

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只有千百万人民的革命实践,才是检验真理的尺度。The only yardstick of truth is the revolutionary practice of millions of people.

一气之下,他从墙上取下板尺,将儿子一阵痛打赶出了家门。And in his anger he took the yardstick from the wall, and drove him out with blows.

这是衡量一切改革措施的重要准绳。This is an important yardstick against which all reform proposals should be measured.

他们依据的是100年一遇风暴的国家河流权威标准。Their yardstick was the National Rivers Authority standard of the 1 in 100-year storm.

由电视负责评判的排行榜又是衡量乐队人气的标准,这个标准也备受信赖和关注。Run by TV stations, the charts provide a much-watched yardstick to gauge band popularity.

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知识分子的精神特质是衡量知识分子真义的内在尺度。The spirit character of intellectuals is the internal yardstick of the real intellectuals.

然而,瑞银集团的经济学家汪涛认为,富裕国家的衡量标准有所误导。However, Tao Wang, an economist at UBS, argues that this rich-world yardstick is misleading.

尺度推绎是环境科学中的焦点问题,已经受到广泛的关注。Yardstick reasoning is the focus of environment science and has received extensive attention.

如果这审视是比较性的,用标准来衡量,那么那个标准就是理想。If the examination is comparative, examination by yardstick, then that yardstick is the ideal.

为此,可以设立竞争的标准,这样不同的民间组织可以互相竞争来获取资源。You can use yardstick competition. So they have to compete against each other for the resources.

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成为超卓的代名词,许多人实正在没有能相宜需供细采素量的环境。Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected.

有时候,拿尺子来区分大山、小丘可以帮你清晰头脑。Breaking out the yardstick to determine mountain from molehill can sometimes help clear your head.

法益侵害则是划定非法定目的犯的基本标准。The yardstick to distinguish informal intent crime should be the infringement of the legal interest.