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我得赶紧走。I have to rush.

我需要那种刺激。I need the rush.

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谢谢你,拉什。Thank you, Rush.

享受头部急速流动。Enjoy the head rush.

我冲过去欢迎他。I rush to greet him.

我们为荣光而赴死!We rush for the glory.

我们东奔西忙。We rush east west busy.

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别匆匆忙忙做事。Don't rush into anything.

罚点球时千万不可匆忙!Don't rush penalty kicks!

但是你的用户是很忙的。But the user is in a rush.

豪气向天冲。Lofty spirits rush to sky.

所有的学生都冲了出去。Out rush all the students.

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阿彬,请不要催促我!Abin, please don't rush me!

加州富矿带掏金热!California Gold Rush Bonanza!

不要匆促赶完你的工作。Don' t rush through your work.

春运于一月三十日正式开始。The rush begins on January 30.

傻瓜冲在前,笨蛋打头阵。A fool always rush to the fore.

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他不喜欢我们催他。He did not like us to rush him.

但中国并不想急于求成。But China does not want to rush.

尖端时间的交通真要命。The rush hour traffic is murder.