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好聚好散,以后,还是朋友。Citing the future, or friends.

善于用典是其特点之一。Citing allusion is one of its characteristics.

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他举了具体的例子才把论点讲透彻。He drove home his point by citing specific examples.

在哪个博客写软文,引蜘蛛最快啊?Which blog written in soft paper, citing spider fastest ah?

他的看法似乎排除了克尔博士所说的可能性。His position seemed to go beyond Dr. Kerr’s citing of likelihoods.

如今我们有艾什顿库奇站进去发言,援用玛雅历法。Now we have Ashton Kutcher speaking out, citing the Mayan Calendar.

他说,希腊政府的财政紧缩计划就是一个例子。Arledge, citing the Greek government's austerity plan as an example.

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鉴于地下空间的大小,他有可能会患上幽闭恐惧症,但这并不会使他担心。He dismisses concerns of claustrophobia, citing the size of the bunker.

售货员断然拒绝了按底价出售,并说明了店里的规矩。The salesman flatly refuses to match the lower price, citing store policy.

在北京,一些人口普查的工作人员已经因巨大压力辞职。In Beijing some census workers have already resigned, citing the pressures.

霍恩对这种治疗方法表示怀疑,其理由是这可能不过是一种安慰剂效应。Horne has his doubts about such treatment, citing a possible placebo effect.

BBC随后更正了中国政府在这次关闭事件中的角色的引用事实错误。The BBC later corrected its story citing a government role in the shutdowns.

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当时奥巴马引证的是一份人们通常可接受的且会被不断更新的研究数据。Obama was citing a commonly accepted and constantly updated body of research.

刀锋却以兄弟之情为由,劝王不能手足相残。Blade but with brother of love, citing advised king cannot diocletian augustus.

CNN的约翰·金在周日晚间引用消息来源,称本·拉登已经死亡。Osama bin Laden is dead, CNN's John King reported Sunday night, citing sources.

Neidhardt引用了大量的例子,说到“循证医学有很多局限性。”"There are limits to evidence-based medicine, " he said, citing numerousexamples.

资本唱着歌德的诗句,以洋洋得意的快乐表达了它的欣喜。Citing Goethe's lines, capital expresses its rapture with complacence and delight.

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据说26岁的金正云是一个议员,这个消息来源不明。It said the 26-year-old was a parliamentary candidate, citing unidentified sources.

新闻媒体的消息来源均为不愿透露姓名的民主党幕僚或党内人士。News outlets are citing anonymous staffers or Democratic Party insiders as sources.

尼罗河电视台援引内政部的话说,那辆车装满了爆炸物。The car was filled with explosives, Nile TV reported, citing the interior ministry.