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他和约翰正好是一对。He and John make a nice twosome.

我和朋友形影不离,大家都知道。My friend and I are beginning to be known as a twosome.

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这舞蹈家和她的丈夫一直是受欢迎的双人组。The dancer and her husband have been a popular twosome.

这对刚结婚的快乐小两口一直在欧洲旅游。The happy twosome , who got hitched have been traveling in Europe.

加入人才人一组和他们的朋友,他们的特别精彩的冒险。Join the talented twosome and their fantastic friends on their special adventure.

在这个月起,其实所有两个人的关系都似乎会发展得很好。Actually all twosome partnerships and collaborations seem to be going quite well as the month takes off.

在今年年底,你将会发现这个组合创造了很多令人难忘的事件。By the end of this year, you should see that this twosome deal has created quite a bit of impressive results.

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你的合作者,代理人或其他中间人似乎很在这几天会对你起成功作用。A twosome collaborator, agent, or other middleman appears to be very instrumental in your success on these days.

游戏要求是两人一组,每人分别给自己的搭档讲一个故事,然后分别谈谈自己在讲故事时搭档的表现及自己的感受。This game was twosome. Each one told a story to his partner, then talked about the behave and his recept of his partner.

尽管范佩西和阿德巴约在中路配合的颇为写意,无奈边路没有速度下底向中间喂球。As a twosome Van Persie and Adebayor are excellent, but they need speed in wide positions to fly down the flanks and feed the ball into the centre.

也许是被那些拼命一博的球队所感染,也许我已经习惯小牛和太阳出现在西部决赛,尽管他们两队有些不尽力。And maybe I've been inspired by the go-for-it teams, because I'm drawn most to the twosome of Phoenix and Dallas for a West champ in spite of everything they have to get done on the fly.

坦率地、有主张地拒绝服从他们的需求会让他们蔫了,因为在自恋者们的扭曲的情感环境中,只要有两个人的场合便会有一个人必定要去主宰、另一个就一定要被主宰。Bluntly, assertively refusing to comply with their demands withers them, because in their warped emotional environment, one person in each twosome must always dominate, the other be dominated.