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我捕获了一只兔子。I bagged a rabbit.

我祗是一只兔子。I'm just a rabbit.

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我能要一只小兔子么?Can I get a rabbit?

你喜欢吃兔肉吗?Do you like rabbit?

兔子跑的快。The rabbit is fast.

我们猎获了一只兔子。We bagged a rabbit.

今天,我的小兔兔因为嚼多了家里的地毯消化不良挂掉了。Today, my rabbit died.

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你喜欢小白兔吗?Do you like the rabbit?

你喜欢兔肉吗?How do you like rabbit?

目如凤兮,羞似兔娇。You are shy as a rabbit.

一会儿,一只小兔蹦蹦跳跳来了。Soon a rabbit hopped by.

这只兔子有一个难题。The rabbit has a problem.

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看上去像只兔子。So it looks like a rabbit.

于是小兔子睡觉了。So the rabbit is sleeping.

猎犬在野兔身后紧追不舍。The hound nips at a rabbit.

兔子竖起它的耳朵。The rabbit reared its ears.

兔子兔子跳老高。Rabbit rabbit jumps so high.

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兔子兔子,跳老高。Rabbit rabbit, Jump so high.

兔子也是复活节的象征。Rabbit is a symbol of Easter.

那个老太太喜欢打听闲事。The old lady has rabbit ears.