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他是一个用情不专的人。He is a fickle lover.

做环境生意是很难正确把握的。The environment biz is fickle.

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但是音乐行业变幻无常。But the music business is fickle.

女人总是可变易变。Woman is always fickle and changeable.

它多变,而且还会充满标记符号。It's fickle and full of angle brackets.

大人物更危险而且反复无常。The grandi are more dangerous and fickle.

你的性倾向是,怎么讲呢,薄情?Your sexuality is, well, shall we say, fickle?

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这是可怜的少女受了薄幸的男子欺侮?Were they pitiful maidens deflowered by fickle men?

我怕自己善变放荡的情绪不太安定。I'm afraid your fickle dissolute mood is not stable.

物价的波动往往因公众需求的变化而造成。Fluctuating prices usually base on a fickle public's demand.

在季后赛,无常的对Steinbrenner的邪恶帝国支持。Fickle support for Steinbrenner's Evil Empire during playoffs.

下雨在气候变化无常的埃菲尔山区也有明显的可能。Rain is also a distinct possibility in the fickle Eifel region.

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此外,金牛还会因为天秤浪漫多情又变化无常的天性而大为吃醋。To boot, Taurus is jealous of Libra's romantic and fickle nature.

每当善变魔神进行攻击或阻挡,在战斗结束时掷一枚硬币。Whenever Fickle Efreet attacks or blocks, flip a coin at end of combat.

许多这些资产来自反复无常的批发市场。Many of these assets were funded by lenders in fickle wholesale markets.

本周提到爱情的时候,你轻浮的态度是你的死穴。Your fickle attitude will be your demise when it comes to love this week.

有些父亲易变且喜怒无常,但你们的天父永远不会改变。Some dads are fickle and moody, but your heavenly Father is never changing.

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我很悲伤地了解到人生竟是如此无常,他还有许多未竟之志。Sadly I realize that life is fickle like that. He had too many things to do.

有时候那些女孩子好象是我的朋友,但是后来他们全变了。Sometimes girls seemed like they were my friends , but then they turn fickle.

偏那薛蟠本是浮萍心性,今日爱东,明日爱西。But Xue Pan was as fickle as water-weed which drifts EAST today, west tomorrow.