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这里我省略了小括号。So, I'm dropping the parentheses.

但是那些括号事出有因。But those parentheses are there for a reason.

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让我们从圆括号的最里面开始。Let's start from the innermost set of parentheses.

将括弧内的词按正确的语序排好。Put the words in parentheses in their correct order.

对于函数调用,必须提供圆括号。As with a function call, you must supply parentheses.

但是,括号不需要捕捉子模式。However, parentheses need not capture the subpattern.

只需要把绿色版块换成一对圆括号就可以了。The green block is gonna become a pair of parentheses.

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圆括号是用来传函数的,输入或参数的。The parentheses to pass in inputs or arguments to functions.

阿括号内的数字显示。A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.

圆括号里面的东西,只是一个函数的输入。It's just an input to a function, the thing inside parentheses.

只有女人气的程序员才会用的括号比代码还多。Only effeminate programmers use more parentheses than actual code.

分组是由圆括号内的一组字符指定的。Groupings are specified by a group of characters within parentheses.

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例如,您可以用括号或星号括住文本。For example, you may surround the text with parentheses or asterisks.

在此情况下,子表达式是括在括号中的所有内容。The subexpression in this case is everything enclosed in parentheses.

使用括号或中转房屋的动词现在完成简短的回答。Use the present perfect of the verbs ih parentheses or short answers.

正则表达式中的括号用于创建子表达式。Parentheses in a regular expression are used to create a subexpression.

在没有实际参数时,可以省略括号。When there are no actual arguments then the parentheses can be omitted.

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标准单位和编码在括号内注明,并把它注明在尺寸的后面。Gage or code numbers may be shown in parentheses following the dimension.

所以如果我没有,打这一对儿括号的话会怎么样呢?So,what would have happened, had I failed to type that pair of parentheses?

括号内的单词是每个所有格形容词的主语代名词。The word in parentheses is the subject pronoun for each possessive adjective.