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另一种是短小超薄型。Another kind is smallish and ultrathin model.

镀金铜质加一颗小钻。Bronze plated with gold and a smallish diamond.

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甚至小公司也可能有几打债权人。Even smallish companies can now have dozens of debt holders.

一位客户,几个开发人员和一个小小的应用程序就是您需要的全部。One customer, a few developers, and a smallish app is all you need.

比克斯比夫妇住在纽约市里的一套狭小的公寓中。Mr and Mrs Bixby lived in a smallish apartment somewhere in New York City.

在审视了鸵鸟和其他现代鸟类以后,赫胥黎认为它们就是小型恐龙的后代。When Huxley looked at ostriches and other modern birds, he saw smallish dinosaurs.

口袋电脑的视窗系统是很难被追踪的,而这一款恰好拥有两块小屏幕。Windows on a tablet is too hard to navigate, and this one has two smallish screens.

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他个子有点小,但身体强壮,长着一张开朗的、晒黑的脸和一双明亮的、愉快的眼睛。He was smallish but well-built, with an open, sunburnt face, and bright, amused eyes.

但是,时间一久,编译时间上的微小差异也会累积成明显的差异。Over a long period of time, though, even a smallish difference in compile times adds up.

我有一个小巧的显示器,即使它的高分辨率,我不能总是看到这样的小图标好。I have a smallish monitor and even though it's high resolution- I can't always see the little icons well.

一个矮个男子开了门,浓密的白发衬托得他形同一只秃鹫,他那捉摸不透的目光鹰隼似地审视着我。A smallish man with vulturine features framed by thick grey hair opened the door. His impenetrable aquiline gaze rested on mine.

"我认为目前作空欧元/美元的风险回报的吸引力下降,所以我们暂时轧平部位,赚的很少,"他说."We think the risk reward in EURUSD shorts is less compelling here, and we are squaring up for now, with a smallish gain," he said.

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短小的果岭却有几个刁钻的旗杆位,你应该知道何时要冒个险,何时要明智、安全一点。This smallish green has a couple of challenging pin positions, should you need to know when to attack and when to play swart and safe.

药物巨头已经在追溯多种渠道,从和一些大商家的联合到彻底地将一些小的公司的收购。The drugs giants have pursued all sorts of tie-ups, from alliances to licensing deals to outright purchases of a few smallish companies.

短小开衫、衬衫、裙边、领部甚至泳装的腰部、背部,都是镂空大显身手之处。Edge of smallish cardigan, shirt, skirt, get a department even the waist of the swimsuit, back , it is the place of hollow out distinguish oneself.

在现代公寓里,大部分的房间只是睡房大小,房客们通常共用了一个厨房。Inside, most private rooms were no larger than a smallish bedroom, so that tenants would be encouraged to mix with others in the communal kitchens.

我最喜爱是找到一个有机的,看起来健康的花椰菜头,清洗后将它切成很小的碎片并加入橄榄油和盐搅拌均匀。My favorite approach is to find an organic, healthy-looking head and, after washing, to cut it into smallish pieces and coat with olive oil and salt.

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桂林是广西省一个的规模较小的城市,人口为65万。从雨水滑落的出租车玻璃窗向野外观看,我发现通往桂林的道路竟是出奇的宁静。The road into Guilin, a smallish city of 650,000 people in Guangxi province, was strangely quiet as Ilooked out at the countryside through rain-streaked taxi windows.

氢气本来应该慢慢进入安全壳体内,但如果它们泄出的速度过快就会发生爆炸,1号机组的爆炸正是因此而发生。The hydrogen gas can be vented in smallish doses into the containment building, but if they can't vent it fast enough, it'll explode, which is exactly what happened at Unit 1.

蒙斯特称,“这些收购将让雅虎拥有互联网上最好的内容,同时可以用短小的内容吸引最多的页面浏览量和固定用户”。Mengsite says, "These buying will let Yahoo have the best content on Internet, can attract most page to browse quantity and fixed user with smallish content at the same time ".