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我同意了。I agreed.

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她同意了。” She agreed.

而陆先生也表示同意。Mr. Lu agreed.

同意什么?Agreed to what?

云深同意了。Cloud deep agreed.

丈夫同意了。The husband agreed.

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老师同意了。The teacher agreed.

先生Trewhella同意。Mr Trewhella agreed.

我们都同意米妮了。We agreed on Minnie.

福兰克同意我的观点。Frank agreed with me.

喜冰也同意了。Like ice also agreed.

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总统同意了。The president agreed.

我同意了这个计划。I agreed to this plan.

后来我终于同意了。Then I finally agreed.

两下里都同意。Both sides have agreed.

你的意见他同意了吗?Has he agreed with you?

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刘琨欣然同意。Liu Kun agreed readily.

租下来了,一说他就同意了。Yes. He agreed at once.

库伯勒-罗斯同意了。Kübler-Ross agreed to try.