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惊厥是妊娠期可能发生的罕见并发症。Eclampsia is a rare disease that can develop during pregnancy.

一些那些在子痫前期发病原理也许介入。Some of those might be involved in the pathogenesis of pre- eclampsia.

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机制负责对子痫前期发病原理是不明的。The mechanisms responsible for the pathogenesis of pre- eclampsia are unclear.

子痫是指先兆子痫的妇女发生的癫痫大发作。E. Eclampsia refers to the development of grand mal seizures in a woman with preeclampsia.

方法回顾性分析2002~2005年收治的子痫病人32例的临床资料。Methods The clinical data were analysed in 32 cases of eclampsia after treatment between 2002 and 2005.

目的及早有效地纠正妊娠期高血压,以预防子痫的发生。Objective Correct gestational hypertension effectively early in order to prevent the disease of the eclampsia.

施用硫酸镁等药物治疗子痫先兆可降低妇女罹患子痫的危险。Administering drugs such as magnesium sulfate for pre-eclampsia can lower a woman’s risk of developing eclampsia.

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VEGF和PLGF在子痫前期及子痫患者胎盘组织中表达的下降可能是其发病的重要因素。The decreased expression of VEGF and PLGF in placenta tissues may be an important cause for preeclampsia and eclampsia.

后来,哈珊得了一种叫做惊厥的并发症,如果她产前有得到好好照顾,这种病本是能及早发现诊断的。Later, Ms. Hassan developed a complication called eclampsia that would have been detected if she had had pre-natal care.

如果未得到及时的治疗,妊娠中毒症可能导致孕妇有危险的抽搐性惊厥或胎盘早期剥离。If it goes unchecked, toxemia can lead to the dangerous convulsions of eclampsia , or to premature separation of the placenta.

结论VEGF和PLGF在子痫前期及子痫患者胎盘组织中表达的下降可能是其发病的重要因素。Conclusion The decreased expression of VEGF and PLGF in placenta tissues may be an important cause for preeclampsia and eclampsia.

适时终止妊娠是治疗重度子痫前期的重要措施,对降低围产儿发病率及死亡率有重要意义。Timely terminating pregnancy is one of the most important treatment for severe pre eclampsia and is important to decrease perinatal morbidity and mortality.

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结果先兆子痫13例,产前子痫1例,产后子痫1例,母亲全部存活,剖宫产12例,新生儿窒息2例,围产儿死亡1例。Results 13 cases were preeclampsia, 1 case was eclampsia prepartum and 1 case waseclampsia postpartum. Mothers all lived. Among them 12 cases were cesarean delivery.

结论右美托咪定应用于子痫患者镇静安全、有效,能减少降压药物及芬太尼的用量,并能缩短住ICU时间。Conclusion Dexmedetomidine is safe and effective for the sedation of eclampsia patients, which can reduce the demand for antihypertensive medicine and fentanyl, and shorten the duration of ICU stay.

我们的目标在于藉由系统性量化回顾检测准确度的研究,确认子癫前症妇女之蛋白尿值预测母亲和胎儿并发症结果的准确度。We aim to determine the accuracy with which the amount of proteinuria predicts maternal and fetal complications in women with pre- eclampsia by systematic quantitative review of test accuracy studies.