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我对阿尔及利亚难民和偷渡有了很多了解。I got to know a lot of Algerian refugees and stowaways.

这至少是阿尔及尔之夏的苦涩训诫。This, at least, is the bitter lesson of Algerian summers.

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阿尔及利亚能源及矿业部长卡利尔也持类似观点.Algerian Energy and Mines Minister Chakib Khelil took a similar view.

像宵禁一样,这也是基于1955年来阿尔及利亚战争的立法。Like the curfews, it was based on Algerian war legislation from 1955.

这场战争有正当的理由但我们依旧欠着阿尔及利亚人民一个道歉。It had its justifications but we still owe an apology to the Algerian people.

当天,戴秉国和阿尔及利亚国务部长贝勒哈代姆举行了会谈。On the same day, Dai held talks with Algerian State Minister Abdelaziz Belkhadem.

法国统治之前,善骑马骑手图阿雷格人统治阿尔及利亚沙漠。Hard-riding Tuareg riders ruled the Algerian desert in the days before French rule.

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更自由的选举则是另一回事,就像阿尔及利亚的将军们和法塔赫的铁腕人物们发现的那样。Freer elections are another matter, as Algerian generals and Fatah strongmen discovered.

“北极海”于7月23日从芬兰出发,应该于8月4日到达阿尔及利亚港。The Arctic Sea had set out from Finland on July 23 and was due in an Algerian port on Aug. 4.

爆炸发生在阿尔及利亚舍尔沙勒三军综合军事学院。The explosion occurred in the Algerian armed forces Schaller Schell General Military Academy.

一个阿尔及利亚足球队恩坦特塞堤夫近日在阿拉伯俱乐部杯中赢得了冠军,举国上下为之兴奋至极。An Algerian football team, Entente Setif, had just won the Arab club cup, causing nationwide excitement.

伊凡斯的头衔提醒读者,阿尔及利亚的争端官方来说只是一次“警务行动”。Mr Evans's title reminds the reader that the Algerian conflict was officially only a "police operation".

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阿尔及利亚政府称,在为期3天的人质事件中有32名激进份子和23名俘虏被杀。The Algerian government says 32 militants and 23 captives were killed during the three-day hostage crisis.

贝希尔,阿尔及利亚移民,被雇佣,以取代已惨遭杀害的小学教师。Bachir Lazhar, an Algerian immigrant, is hired to replace an elementary school teacher who died tragically.

法国和阿尔及利亚军队张皇溃退,同盟军战线出现了四英里长的缺口。Panic-stricken, the French and Algerian troops fled in disorder, creating a four-mile gap in the Allied line.

即使46年后的今天,法国人对阿尔及利亚遗绪的感受,差堪比拟西班牙人对内战的看法。Even 46 years later, for the French the Algerian legacy is roughly akin to what the Civil War is for Spaniards.

而此刻,法国再次夺取冠军的希望则全部寄托在齐达内――这位阿尔及利亚移民工人阶级儿子的身上。This time, hopes of recapturing that glory were vested in Mr Zidane, the working-class son of Algerian immigrants.

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这阿尔及尔之夏,我感到,唯有一事比历经苦难更具有悲剧色彩,那就是快乐之人的生命。In the Algerian summer I learn that one thing only is more tragic than suffering, and that is the life of a happy man.

江主席说,去年我有幸访问贵国,受到阁下及贵国政府和人民热情接待和盛情款待,令我感动、难忘,尤其是阿尔及利亚人民对中国人民的深情厚谊给我留下了深刻的印象。The Algerian people's friendly sentiment toward the Chinese people left him with a good impression of the Algerian people.

2010年7月21日,阿尔及利亚总统布特弗利卡在阿尔及尔会见到访的中国国务委员戴秉国。On July 21, 2010, Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika met with visiting Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo in Algiers.