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她会轻易地瞒过他。She can easily outfox him.

有没有人知道如何战胜命运呢?Does anyone know how to outfox destiny?

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你知道应该怎样以智战胜你的对手吗?Do you know how to outfox your opponent?

他几乎每次都能智取他的敌手。He can outfox his opponent almost every time.

但是用它破案比靠那些侦探们要简单多少呢?But how easy would it be to outfox the detectives?

虚张声势吓唬别人,让他钻入圈套,用计将他击败,没有比这更刺激的事情了。There is no greater thrill than to bluff a man, trap him and outfox him.

科学家称,这一发现给环保主义者们带来了希望,这种在加利福尼亚被列为濒危的物种或许彻底战胜了灭绝的厄运。The discovery gives conservationists hope that the fox—listed as threatened by California—may just outfox extinction overall, scientists say.

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信息搜集往往是网站和信息搜集公司之间猫捉耗子的游戏,前者努力保护数据,而后者则努力击破他们的防火。Scraping often is a cat-and-mouse game between websites, which try to protect their data, and the scrape rs, who try to outfox their defenses.

在信息是最有价值的商品的行业中,交易者用最聪明最快的计算机武装,可以智慧和机动灵活战胜竞争者。In a business where information is the most valuable commodity, traders with the smartest, fastest computers can outfox and outmaneuver rivals.

今天,索马里海盗在离岸70海里的海域劫持了一艘中国货轮,此次劫持显示了他们的决心--要用诡计击败在印度洋上巡航的各国海军。Somali pirates operating 700 nautical miles from shore captured a Chinese bulk carrier today in a raid highlighting their determination to outfox foreign naval patrols in the Indian Ocean.