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他开了一家当铺。His family made their fortune running a pawnshop.

他得以从当铺赎回他的表。He was able to redeem his watch from the pawnshop.

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他当过好多年当铺老板。He practised at the pawnshop counter for many years.

如今,他已记不清自己光顾过多少次典当行了。He can't even remember how many times he visited a pawnshop.

郎华仍躺在床上,和我出来的时候一样,他还不习惯于进当铺。Lang Hua was still lying on the bed with the same aversion to a pawnshop.

宜建一个反映当时社会经济的当铺博物馆。A pawnshop museum should be built to reflect the social economy at that time.

同时,历史电视台宣布,将播出一个关于拉斯维加斯的当铺的真实秀。The History channel, meanwhile, announced a reality series about a Las Vegas pawnshop.

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当铺老板大都是地主或与地主有联系的商人。The majority of the pawnshop owners were landlords or merchants tied to the landlords.

首次典当成功后,当铺就成了秦观眼中的“自动取款机”。After that first attempt proved a success, Qin saw the pawnshop as a good source of cash.

近代徽商在盐业、典业、木业等传统行业中仍然相当活跃,并在某些行业中占据了绝对的优势。The modern Huizhou merchants still had big influence in the trade of salt, tree and pawnshop.

1742年,意大利创办了一家当铺——邦卡蒙台达电子锡耶纳牧山银行——现存世界上最古老的银行。Founded in Italy as a pawnshop in 1472, the Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena is the world’s oldest surviving bank.

马丁赠送了这份将来才能兑现的礼物之后,转身便把他仅有的一套漂亮衣服送进了当铺。And from such largess, dispensed from his future, Martin turned and took his one good suit of clothes to the pawnshop.

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那首饰和手机是我偷拿的,被当在了“灵运当铺”,当票在我枕头下。The jewelry and cell phone were indeed stolen by me and pawned in Lingyun Pawnshop.The pawn ticket is under my pillow.

由于需要扩大仓库,他买下了当铺周围的一些空房子当作库房。They needed more warehouse space, so they bought up some of the empty houses around their pawnshop to use as warehouses.

她们全家作为难民搬到了圣地亚哥——妈妈还记得那时她步行到当铺去换钱给全家人买饭的情景。The family moved as refugees to Santiago, where she remembers walking to the pawnshop to get money for the family's meals.

一个样式精致的配饰手镯挂在伦敦西部,帕丁顿的一家典当行的橱窗上,看起来有些时日了。CHARM bracelet festooned with trinkets, worn and slightly dented, hangs in the window of a pawnshop in Paddington, in west London.

一个样式精致的配饰手镯挂在伦敦西部,帕丁顿的一家典当行的橱窗上,看起来有些时日了。CHARM bracelet festooned with trinkets, worn and slightly dented, hangs in the window of a pawnshop in Paddington , in west London.

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不过,学生们与那些走投无路的人不一样,后者根本不指望赎回典当品。But students are somewhat different from desperate people who come to the pawnshop to exchange something that they don't expect to get back.

她的爸爸在当地的一家当铺里发现了一个叫斯拉皮的木偶,这个木偶长得很丑,可至少它的脑袋还在!So Amy begs her family for a new dummy. That's when her dad finds Slappy in a local pawnshop. Slappy's kind of ugly, but at least his head stays on!

在对农村服务的过程中,典当业与新式金融机构银行结成了相互补充、相互利用、共同发展的关系,成为更好地为农村服务的机构。In the course of serving rural society, pawnshop and bank took the advantages of each other, and became the better department to serve rural society.