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是什么使你对现代音乐抱有成见?。What has prejudiced you against modern music?

她姿色迷人,因而评委都偏向她。Her charm prejudiced the judges in her favour.

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世界不应抱有偏见和嫉妒。The world should not be prejudiced and jealous.

我认为以上观点是片面、偏激的。I think the above opinion is one-sided and prejudiced.

他的忠诚老实使我们对他产生好感。His honesty and sincerity prejudiced us in favour of him.

我不明白你为什么对我们抱着这么深的偏见。I cannot understand why you are so prejudiced against us.

一次不幸的经历使他对所有律师都包有偏见。One unfortunate experience prejudiced him against all lawyers.

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它显示出我们对寻求政治避难者多么的心怀偏见。And it shows just how prejudiced we can be about asylum-seekers.

我们可以战胜生活中的偏见和怨恨。We all have possibillity to defeat prejudiced and resentment in our lives.

换句话说,每个人都错误地认为自己没有偏见。In other words, everybody mistakenly believes that they are not prejudiced.

说实话,我斍嘚出于偏见的刻毒评论总比伪君子的假嬑称赞好。To be frank, I individually prefer prejudiced commentary over fake applause.

试图主观臆断的劝说其他人如何生活是极度的偏见和错误。It’s incredibly prejudiced and wrong, trying to tell people how to live their lives.

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“我们歧视黑人?”对美国白人来说,这是漫长而痛苦的再教育的开始。"We're prejudiced?" It was the start of a long, painful reeducation for white America.

英国人常常被回类为守旧型,显然这一回类带有成见。The English are, as often as not, labeled conservative. Obviously this label is prejudiced.

另一项研究表明受种族歧视的学生这种表现更加明显。A third study showed this effect was particularly apparent among more racially prejudiced students.

而否认这一主张的人就是心存恶毒偏见之人,必须被无情地“消灭”掉。Those denying the truth of this statement are badly prejudiced and must be pitilessly "liquidated."

实际上,大部分的思考,任之而去的话,是粗心,的、歪曲、片面的、不了解情况的或带有偏见的。In fact, much of our thinking, left to itself, is sloppy, distorted, partial, uninformed, or prejudiced.

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“不应该这样野蛮的对待外来务工者”,一位绝望的家长说,“他们对我们太不公平了。”“Migrants shouldn't be treated so cruelly,” says a despairing parent.“They are so prejudiced towards us.

对于属于华盛顿邮报的新闻周刊办学的卡普兰学校,我深表惭愧,十分嫉妒。Like NEWSWEEK, Kaplan Inc. is a part of The Washington Post Company, so I am unapologetically prejudiced.

“不应该这样野蛮的对待外来务工者”,一位绝望的家长说,“他们对我们太不公平了。”“Migrants shouldn’t be treated so cruelly, ” says a despairing parent. “They are so prejudiced towards us.”