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塞缪尔·亨廷顿是美国最伟大的政治理论学家之一。Samuel Huntington was one of America’s greatest political scientists.

最后,我还有说亨廷顿误解了历史变革的性质。Finally, I’d say Huntington misunderstood the nature of historical change.

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脉冲重复频率全球公司是美国公司设在加利福尼亚州亨廷顿海滩,加利福尼亚州。PRF Global Inc is a U. S. A. Corporation located in Huntington Beach, California.

回头来看,我认为亨廷顿犯了“基本的归因错误”。In retrospect, I’d say that Huntington committed the Fundamental Attribution Error.

于1993年夏天,杭亭顿指出中华文化是一个主要文明。In summer 1993, Samuel P. Huntington identified Confucian civilization as a major one.

当我还是他的学生的时候,亨廷顿让我给一个文章的草稿做一些评注。Huntington asked me to comment on a draft of the essay while I was his graduate student.

香蒲在南卡罗来纳州的亨廷顿海滩国家公园的淡水泻湖里茁壮生长。Cattails thrive in this freshwater lagoon in South Carolina's Huntington Beach State Park.

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在1909年,这家公司在杭廷顿海滩21号大街有一个展示模型。The company had a model of their invention built at 21st Street in Huntington Beach in 1909.

我在俄亥俄州海湾村的亨廷顿期间,看到了一场暴风雨正从北方迅速逼近。While at Huntington Beach in Bay Village, Ohio , I saw a storm approaching fast out of the north.

南加州的几个海滩,包括亨廷顿海滩和拉古纳海滩,已进入警戒状态。Several Southern California beaches were put on alert, including Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach.

危险的,因为它是,亨廷顿峡谷,也可能在佛蒙特州的水雕塑最好的例子。Dangerous as it is, Huntington Gorge is also perhaps the best example of water sculpture in Vermont.

在斯托地方的亨廷顿古玩店的迈克尔·戈尔丁欣然担任了临时导游的任务。Michael golding of huntington antiques in stow accepts his role as an impromptu guide with good grace.

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X-37B由波音公司太空和情报系统部门经过严格保密条件在亨廷顿海滩建造完成。The X-37B was built in tight secrecy by Boeing Co.'s Space and Intelligence Systems unit in Huntington Beach.

萨缪尔菲利普斯亨廷顿出生于纽约,父亲是一位出版商,母亲是一名作家。Samuel Phillips Huntington was born in New York to a father who was a publisher and a mother who was a writer.

2006年6月,布可夫斯基的遗孀将他的文学档案捐给了加州圣马力诺的亨廷顿图书馆。In June 2006, Bukowski's literary archive was donated by his widow to the Huntington Library, in San Marino, CA.

苏德奥里亚是助理馆长亨廷顿艺术博物馆在西弗吉尼亚州和关于木乃伊的专家。SUE D'AURIA is assistant curator at the Huntington Museum of Art in West Virginia and an expert on mummification.

亨廷顿说,能够证实这一点有将助于研究人员在量子计算领域更进一步。Huntington says being able to demonstrate this will enable researchers to take the next step in quantum computing.

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第二年,长岛杭亭顿中学的四名学生看到了那张照片,他们决定做点什么。The next year, four students from Huntington High School in Long Island saw the picture and decided to do something.

亨廷顿因“文明冲突”而广为人知,但是他的学术声望却建立在他更早期的研究上。Huntington is most famous for "The Clash of Civilizations, " but his scholarly reputation properly rests on his earlier work.

这次谈话促使学校诞生了一个委员会,那就是“南亨廷顿校区艾滋病预防委员会”。The talk led to the formation of a committee. The South Huntington School District AIDS Committee was born with twelve members.