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一位温文尔雅名叫约翰•詹姆森的老绅士。A courtly old gentleman named john jameson.

也许月亮早厌倦了宫廷的舞步Maybe the moon may learn, Tired of that courtly fashion

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一个宫廷奴隶来大图书馆干什么?And what is a courtly slave doing here at the Great Library?

他穿着一身黑色的祭司法衣,显得优雅高贵。He wore a black soutane which gave him something of a courtly air.

剧中最可鄙的人物是风度翩翩的花花公子奥斯里克。The most contemptible of the personages in the play is the courtly fop Osric.

他停下话语看向左边,向亨利爵士所在的地方礼貌地敬意。He left his sentence unfinished, making a courtly bow in the direction of sir Henry.

骑士精神和宫廷爱情密不可分,是中世纪欧洲突出的文化现象。Chivalry and courtly love, closely related, were at the heart of medieval culture in Europe.

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那位温文尔雅的老先生从座位上站起来,脱下帽子,对着一位夫人深深地鞠躬。The courtly old gentleman rose from his seat, took his hat off his head, and bowed low to a lady.

去年7月他在证明书上写道,H&H的员工没有响应这个高贵时尚的婚礼程序。He noted in a deposition last July that the employees at H &H did not respond in a courtly fashion.

在她出任参议员时,帕德美从讲究尊严理数的精细的纳布礼仪中解脱出来。In her role as Senator, Padmé has been freed from the more elaborate of the courtly Naboo protocols.

亨利十来岁时,黛安娜再次奉命做他导师,教授宫廷礼仪。When Henry was in his teens, Diane was again ordered to act as his mentor and teach him courtly manners.

宏伟,迷人,神奇,维也纳以她古老王朝的魅力和宫廷的高雅吸引着每一个人。Magnificent, magnetic, and magical, the city beguiles one and all with old world charm and courtly grace.

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萨马兰奇曾经是一位彬彬有礼的西班牙驻莫斯科外交官,在1980年到2001年间,出任国际奥委会主席一职。Samaranch, a courtly former diplomat who served as Spanish ambassador in Moscow, led the IOC from 1980 to 2001.

宫廷事件和政治阴谋的粉丝,及那些对实景模拟有偏好的人一定会度过一段开心的时光。Fans of courtly drama and political intrigue, and those with a penchant for dioramas are sure to have a good time.

入门时,我脱下,白天所穿的脏衣服,换上我庄严且儒雅的衣着。At the door, I take off my clothes of the day covered with muck and dirt and I put on my regal and courtly garments.

当时人们用"Romans"语言来写包括骑士时代或宫廷式爱情故事在内的各种流行小说,而这些故事后来就被称为romances了。"Romans" were used to write popular stories involving chivalric or courtly love, and such tales became known as romances.

这首宫廷诗取材于骑士精神和典雅爱恋,你可能会想到这与身穿闪光的盔甲的骑士有关。This Courtly Poetry came out of the idea of chivalry and courtly love that you might associate with knights in shining armor.

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在宫廷之爱盛行一时之后,导致它回复到原来的男欢女爱,那一种完全不同的时代区隔。After the meteor of courtly love, what relegated courtly love to its original futility came from an entirely different partition.

他取得提升的能力来是三个不同的皇帝,其中包括任命他为教皇的奥托三世,由此可以表明,他擅长于在宫廷艺术。His ability to gain promotion from three different emperors, including Otto III who made him pope, shows that he was adept at the courtly arts.

御林铁卫在为国王服务时,他们在君临需要频繁地参加各种不同的行政或是宫廷仪式。Since the Kingsguard are in the service of the king, they are frequently expected to be available in King's Landing for other political or courtly functions.