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他们会介意吗?Do they mind?

博大宽广,悦心而动。Broad, mind and.

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清空你的大脑。Empty your mind.

我抽烟您介意吗?Mind if I smoke?

我们同一条心。We are of a mind.

拥有开阔的思想。Have an open mind.

那咱就放心咯。That eases my mind.

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希望您别介意。Hope you don't mind.

我一点也不介意。I don't mind at all.

思想如其人。The mind is the man.

他思想闭塞僵化。He has a closed mind.

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鱼子酱是我从不拒绝的。I never mind caviare.

我在心里邪恶的YY。My in mind malign YY.

我们大家一条心。We are all of a mind.

他这人小心眼儿。He's got a small mind.

切记吩咐你的事。Mind what you're told.

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不必对此介意。Never mind about that.

你的意识并非是邪恶的。Your mind is not evil.

是你们没记好。Your mind is not good.