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车厢里紧凑而舒适。It’s compact but cosy.

我较喜欢小型车。I prefer a compact car.

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我想要一个粉盒。I want a powder compact.

我想买一个小粉盒。I want to buy a compact.

视频高密光盘?。VCD? Video Compact Disk?

这是个捆得很紧的包裹。It was a compact package.

所以它是一个简洁的标记。So it is compact notation.

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是要豪华型、中型还是小型车?Luxury, mid-size or compact?

盒式录像带?。VCC? Video Compact Cassette?

他有许多激光唱片。He has a number of compact discs.

这个代码惊人的紧凑。This code is marvelously compact.

亲密的家系设计是理想的。The compact family design is ideal.

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赞叹着它们紧闭的黑色脊背admiring their compact black bodies

爱情是一团富有生命力的火焰。Lve is a spirit all compact of fire.

没有闪光的,凝缩的,黎明的露滴?No glittering, compact drops of dawn?

它们曾更少的稠密。They were much less dense and compact.

我需要一个盒子装我的激光唱盘。I need a case to keep my compact discs.

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紧凑的设计,路基安装阀门。Compact design, sub-base mounted valves.

我要租一辆小车子用一星期。I'd like to rent a compact car for a week.

第一个女郎只好把化妆盒给她。So the first blonde hands her the compact.