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我迟疑地向艾思梅微笑。I smiled hesitantly at Esme.

听到这几个字,她的眼睛迟疑地睁开,起先她的目光看上去是模糊的,然后清晰。At these words, her eyes opened hesitantly.

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她迟疑地走了进来,小心地坐在椅子的边缘。She came in and set on the edge of the chair, hesitantly.

他犹豫不决地挑了一本英汉词典。He selected an English-Chinese dictionary very hesitantly.

“你觉得能把伯拉克和泰斯拉塞进后面么?”瑞克犹豫地问沃尔夫。"You think we can fit Burak and Tesla back there?" Rick asked Wolff hesitantly.

“你觉得我们能把伯拉克和泰斯拉塞进后面么?”瑞克犹豫地问沃尔夫。You think we can fit Burak and Tesla back there?" Rick asked Wolff hesitantly ."

他们毫不犹豫地用大规模的部队行为取代了原始的鸦片贸易。They replaced primitive opium trade none hesitantly with large-scale unit action.

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尽管有了一个几乎完美的结构,很少有伟大的著作象他这部小说那样迟迟不能成书。Despite its near-perfect construction, few great books have been more hesitantly produced.

他犹豫不决地跟从她的指示,将绳子套上了野兽的颈子,然后用力拉。He hesitantly follows her instructions. He wraps it around the dragon's neck and then pulls hard.

“我不能要求他留下来,那是北京,是他一直梦想着的地方,”刘洁犹豫地说。"I just can't ask him to stay, it's Beijing, the thing he always dreamed about," Liu said, hesitantly.

“我不能要求他留下来,那是北京,是他一直梦想着的地方,”刘洁犹豫地说。"I just can't ask him to stay, it's Beijing, the thing he always dreamed about, " Liu said, hesitantly.

虽然世界对2009的到来表现得犹豫不决,仍然在担心全球住房市场的震荡。While the world awaits 2009 hesitantly , continuing worries on global housing markets has markets jittering.

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我犹豫不决地选了一管蓝色颜料,然后小心翼翼地画了一笔,就像雪白的田野上的一粒蚕豆那么大。Very hesitantly I selected a tube of blue paint , and with infinite precaution made a mark about as big as a bean on the snow-white field.

“我想我另外欠你一个解释,哈利”,邓不多尔犹豫的说,“你可能想过为什么我没有任命你为级长?I feel I owe you another explanation, Harry, ' said Dumbledore hesitantly. 'You may, perhaps, have wondered why I never chose you as a prefect?

其它一些分析人士说欧洲央行除了对这些不能良好运作的市场进行干预之外别无选择,但是欧洲央行因为迟疑不决使其努力大打折扣。Other analysts say the bank had no choice other than to intervene in dysfunctional markets, but sabotaged its own efforts by moving too hesitantly.

看着被赵家打得痛苦呻吟的两个孩子,阿牛姐姐包子铺里的老白迟疑地留了下来。Look at two children that are hit so that anguish moans by Zhao Jia, the Laobai in shop of steamed stuffed bun of A ox elder sister stayed hesitantly.

但我还是磨蹭了两小时完成短文,多亏那个打来电话的人,这是我人生最美好,最快乐的两年。But I hesitantly took two hours to fill that essays and now owe her for or owe that phone call for the best two years of my life and truly the happiest.

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于是,一次感恩节前夕的深夜,我睡在年轻时的卧室里,一只熟悉的手有些犹豫地掠过我的脸,拨开我额头的头发,随后是一个吻,轻轻地印在我的眉毛上。So it was late on Thanksgiving Eve, as I slept in the bedroom of my youth, a familiar hand hesitantly run across my face to brush the hair from my forehead.

唯一的例外是他和乔治桑的热烈恋情,这位盛气凌人、爱抽烟的法国女作家比他大5岁,两人从1838年开始交往。The only exception was a volatile affair with George Sand, a domineering, chain-smoking French novelist five years his senior, which began hesitantly in 1838.

终于一辆密歇根州牌照的克莱斯勒皇家轿车犹豫地驶入第六大街,左转弯进入了希尔顿饭店的车道,停在了入口处。Then at last a Chrysler Imperial with Michigan plates came hesitantly up Sixth Avenue, made the left-hand loop into the Hilton driveway and stopped at the entrance.