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测验分数?。Test scores?

测试还是调试?Test or debug?

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我什么时候测试?When do I test?

你可不可以检验一下?Can you test it?

重新运行此测试。Rerun this test.

我在哪里测试?Where do I test?

今天大考。Major test today.

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为什么我应该测试?Why should I test?

我应该测试什么?What should I test?

刮擦测试。Do the scratch test.

他验过血了。He had a blood test.

分析测试结果。Analyze test results.

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如何检验它们?How do you test them?

下一步准备试油。Next prepare to test.

不会有人考你的。No one will test you.

应该测试什么?What should you test?

你需要做皮试。You need a skin test.

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你们是否会做药物测试?Do you do a drug test?

测试你的假设。Test your assumptions.

运行端到端测试。Run an end-to-end test.