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女童军是忠心的。Girl Scout is loyal.

它们是侦察犬。They were scout dogs.

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女童军是忠心的。A Girl Scout is loyal.

他是一名北方军的侦察兵。He was a Federal scout.

女童军是谦恭的。Girl Scout is courteous.

女童军是谦恭的。A Girl Scout is courteous.

他被选中去物色人才。He was selected to scout.

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喷气式战斗机在空中侦察巡逻。Jet fighters scout the skies.

女童军是爱护动物的。Scout is a friend to animals.

穿上你的女童军制服。Wear your Girl Scout uniform.

当她还是个孩子的时候,她常常积极参加童子兵的活动。She used to scout when she was a child.

谁把她抱出来?是小童军汤米。Who pulled her out? Little Tommy Scout.

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童军的思想、言语及行为是纯真的。Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.

童子军即使要害怕的情况下也要能面对危险。Scout can face danger even if he is afraid.

童子军工作以支付其生活开支并帮助他人。Scout works to pay his way and to help others.

他是个眼力敏锐的侦察员,而且很负责。He is a responsible scout with keen observation.

它们是侦察犬。我们一直用它们。They were scout dogs. We used them all the time.

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女童军的言语、思想及行为是纯洁的。Girl Scout is pure in thought, in word and in deed.

丹尼,到楼上去好吗,让小康陪你去?Danny, go on upstairs, okay?And take Scout with you.

女童军的言语、思想及行为是纯洁的。A Girl Scout is pure in thought, in word and in deed.