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我想要两张去大胶的往返票。I'd like two round-trip tickets to Osaka.

探花来自大阪南部的堺市。No. 3 is from the seaport of Sakai, south of Osaka.

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而我们今晚,也就在往大阪的船上渡过罗!And tonight, we are on the ship to Osaka to tiding over.

我们愿意把卸货港由东京改为大阪。Wed like to change the unloading port from Tokyo to Osaka.

深田静夫先生1960年毕业于大阪外国语大学。Graduated from Osaka University of Foreign Studies in 1960.

日本本州中西部一城市,位于大阪东北偏北。A city of west-central Honshu, Japan, north-northeast of Osaka.

香港快运航空公司来回香港至大阪机票。Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Osaka on UO.

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矗立于东大阪的一处人口密集区的中心。Standing in the center of a densely populated area in East Osaka.

从尾市日本大阪是定制的摩托车制造商肯畑海陵。Hailing from Yao City Osaka Japan is custom bike builder Ken Tabata.

西宫市是一个位于大阪和神户之间的城市。From the architect. Nishinomiya is a city located between Osaka and Kobe.

大阪高楼林立、商业繁荣、城市绿化率高。Osaka high-rises, commercial prosperity, the high rate of urban greening.

八尾日本本州南部一城市,是大阪一郊区。人口276,397。A city of southern Honshu, Japan, a suburb of Osaka. Population, 276, 397.

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日本是一个以设计著称的国度,大阪的机场也不例外。The Japanese are known for design, and this Osaka airport is no exception.

一段连接大阪的高铁延长线,计划由2045年底完成。An extension of the high-speed line to Osaka is planned by the end of 2045.

拉加特去年在日本大阪举行的田径世锦赛上,赢得了1500米金牌。He won the 1, 500 meter event at the World Championships in Osaka last year.

除了老字号的怀石菜,还有大阪寿司、海鲜火锅等,美味小吃更是数不胜数。Besides the old stone, and Osaka sushi, seafood, tasty snacks pot is endless.

该项目是位于日本大阪堺市密集住宅区内的一所两层木屋。This is a two-story wooden house in a densely build-up area in Sakai-city, Osaka.

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日本本州南部一城市,是大阪的一个工业郊区。人口348,946。A city of southern Honshu, Japan, an industrial suburb of Osaka. Population, 348,946.

第一台浪力发电机组是在1965投入使用的,它用于大阪湾海面上的浮灯标供电。The first wave turbine began operating in 1965, for an illuminated buoy in Osaka Bay.

而在日本大阪扣押的象牙是否也来自坦尚尼亚,仍是一个悬而未决的问题。One open question is whether the ivory impounded in Osaka also originated in Tanzania.