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也许是我的。Perhaps is my.

可能是一银币。An obol perhaps.

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可能是一个诱敌机场。Perhaps a decoy?

或许是爱人。Perhaps a lover.

可能是我的头型?Perhaps my hair?

也许还没有。Perhaps not yet.

可能下个星期。Perhaps next week.

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也许,我需要你。Perhaps I need you.

或许看上去确实是这么回事.Perhaps it seems so.

也许是个仙灵?Perhaps its a fairy?

而也许是你吧瑟丽琳…Or perhaps it is you.

大概一、两周吧!Perhaps a week or two.

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也许又一个浴火重生的故事。Perhaps another story.

你也许说得有理。Perhaps you are right.

或许来点鱼还行。A little fish, perhaps.

不过你也许应该想想了。But perhaps you should.

也许我能帮你忙。Perhaps I can help you.

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也许它是高山的。Perhaps it's GaoShan's.

也许蛾艮傻。Perhaps Gen silly moths.

或许汉森是对的。Perhaps Hansen is right.