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罗姆的父亲是一位虔诚的外氏那瓦,每天都在家中敬拜克里希纳。Ram's father was a devout Vaishnava and worshipped Krishna daily at home.

他已经根据毗瑟奴派经文指定的,开始与神建立其他关系。He was now to take up the other relationships prescribed by the Vaishnava scriptures.

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她出生于东孟加拉,擅长坦陀罗和毗瑟奴派的崇拜方式。Born in East Bengal, she was an adept in the Tantrik and Vaishnava methods of worship.

我也给它写过一两首歌曲和一篇感情奔放的赞赏毗湿奴派抒情诗的评论。To this also I contributed a song or two and an effusive appreciation of Vaishnava lyrics.

另一方面,他也同样喜爱我们孟加拉的老作家和毗湿奴派诗人。On the other hand he had an equal fondness for our older Bengali authors and Vaishnava Poets.

培养这种神圣的爱是毗瑟奴派宗教的要点。It is the cultivation of this divine love that is the chief concern of the Vaishnava religion.

一些东印度的毗湿奴派都把巴拉胡米认定为毗湿奴的第九个…Some Vaishnava sects based in eastern India regard Balarama as being the ninth avatar of Vishnu.

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大约在1864年,有一位叫杰塔达里的毗瑟奴派云游僧来到达克希什瓦,心目中的理想神是罗摩。About the year 1864 there came to Dakshineswar a wandering Vaishnava monk, Jatadhari, whose Ideal Deity was Rama.

他们给予了成长中的外氏那瓦祭礼一个哲学架构,也影响着一些湿婆派别。They gave the growing Vaishnava bhakti cults a philosophical framework that also influenced some Saivite schools.

在师父的影响下,他超越了毗瑟奴派崇拜的习惯,成为一位至亲近的门徒。Under the Master's influence he outgrew the conventions of the Vaishnava worship and became one of the most beloved of the disciples.

从少年开始,他就表现出深遂的宗教气质,把时间花在冥想、祷告和学习毗瑟奴派经典上。From his youth he had shown a deep religious temperament and had devoted his time to meditation, prayer, and the study of the Vaishnava scriptures.

午餐过后,师父穿着一身漂亮的黄色长袍,来到了潘切瓦提。那里有两三个外氏那瓦的僧侣,穿上他们教派的衣服。After his midday meal the Master went to the Panchavati wearing a beautiful yellow robe. Two or three Vaishnava monks were there, clad in the dress of their sect.

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室利柴坦尼亚,也被称为戈朗伽,戈拉,或者尼迈,于1485年出生于孟加拉,被认为是神的一个化身,毗瑟奴派宗教的一个伟大先知。Sri Chaitanya, also known as Gauranga, Gora , or Nimai, born in Bengal in 1485 and regarded as an Incarnation of God, is a great prophet of the Vaishnava religion.

毗瑟奴派经文建议去劝解罗陀,为了认识克里希纳而获得她的优雅,因此受折磨的奉献者转向对她祷告。The Vaishnava scriptures advise one to propitiate Radha and obtain her grace in order to realize Sri Krishna. So the tortured devotee now turned his prayer to her.