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别太凶猛地拦截我。Don't tackle me too hard.

我可以租钓鱼用具吗?Can I rent fishing tackle?

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一要共同应对全球气候变化。First, tackle climate change.

这就是我现在正试图解决的问题。That is what I’m trying to tackle.

您要分两步处理这个任务。You will tackle this in two steps.

应该首先解决高优先级部分。Tackle high-priority sections first.

我现在就去拿我的钓杆和钓具箱。I will get my rod and tackle box now.

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她将和他就离婚问题进行交涉。She will tackle him over the divorce.

我们将着手解决这个难题。We will tackle this difficult problem.

你用了什么方法来对付它们?What methods do you use to tackle them?

你希望看到NTEN怎样处理?And what do you want to see NTEN tackle?

现在开始玩几次连挖带跑的游戏。Now tackle the three dig-and-run puzzles.

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这种机器叫吊环型滑车。This machine is called rings-type tackle.

你首先要处理哪些任务?What assignments should you tackle first?

你必须知道铲球的最好时机。You have to know the best time to tackle.

不要忘记带钓鱼用具。Don't forget to bring your fishing tackle.

我参与了抢球,然而我却害怕了。I went in for the tackle and i got scared.

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那取决于你如何处理这个问题。That depends on how you tackle the problem.

那么,我们如何确定哪些问题需要解决?So how do we decide which questions to tackle?

该是解决你的不可强制执行法则的的时候了。Now it's time to tackle your unenforceable rule.