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虎跳峡之二。The second Tiger Leaping Gorge.

索拉格特河峡谷。The gorge of the Dzoraget river.

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泉水潺潺地流下山峡。A spring rills down by the gorge.

巫峡是三峡中最长的一段峡谷。The Wu Gorge is about 40 km long.

人心乃难填之沟壑。The human heart its hungry gorge.

韩佳,这儿就是天河谷吧?Han Jia, is this the Tianhe Gorge?

我们参观了碧峰峡的动物园。We visited the zoo at Bifeng Gorge.

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他一看到血污就作呕。His gorge rose at the sight of gore.

不要让我们像在吃人肉宴一样,还狼吞虎咽!Let us not gorge down a Thyestean feast!

接着,我们就开始爬碧峰峡了。Next, we began to climb the Bifeng Gorge.

你徒步旅行过三峡或平安峡吗?。Have you hiked either the gorge or PingAn?

巫峡之水能覆舟,若比人心是安流。The gorge water. If the heart is calm than.

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三门峡赛格电脑城何时开幕?Sanmen Gorge Saige computer city when opens?

那道峡谷像不像一根长长的碧玉簪?Does that gorge look like a long jade hairpin?

太鲁阁是以它美丽的风景闻名。Taroko Gorge is famous for its beautiful scenery.

太鲁阁国家公园嘅入口。This is the entrance of Taroko Gorge National Park.

这跟虎跳峡的情况是很不一样的。It is very different than the Tiger Leaping Gorge case.

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清泉平坦的溪谷石滩,吸引了许多人来此露营野炊。The level gorge at Clear Springs attracts many campers.

一个少女到悬崖上采花,不慎掉进了峡谷。A girl to a cliff Caihua, accidentally fell into a gorge.

我们可以再去那间在太鲁阁的五星级饭店。We could stay in that five-star hotel in Taroko Gorge again.