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哪有人能弯腰弯那么低的啊?How could anyone stoop so low?

这个老人驼着背走路。The old man walked with a stoop.

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尽量不要驼着背走路。Try not to walk with such a stoop.

他听到了门廊前的笑声。He heard laughter out on the stoop.

他决不屈就和解。He would never stoop to conciliate.

别对这无望俯首贴脸。Do not stoop to strategies like this.

他太高了,所以总是弓着腰。He tends to stoop because he's so tall.

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他是一个自甘堕落,什么事都干的家伙。He is a man who would stoop to anything.

那老俩口子站起并开始跳起舞来。Those old stoop up and started to dance.

别降低身分为这事去跟她争吵。Don't stoop to quarrel with her about it.

谁愿意屈尊去谴责这种轻浮举止?Who'd stoop to blame This sort of trifling?

他不会屈尊去做任何不名誉的事情。He would not stoop to do anything dishonorable.

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他身材瘦长并且象学者一样弯腰驼背。He had a long, thin body and the scholar's stoop.

你竟拿你的歌来屈就我的怨艾?。That thou shouldst stoop my song to my complaint?

鹰向它的猎物直冲而下。The hawk descend in a vertical stoop on its quarry.

我们要弯下腰来看清哪些是水果,哪些是花朵。We stoop to see which is fruit and which is poppy petal.

他弯下深吸了一口气,“闻起来像便便!”" his stoop was sucked greatly at a heat, "Smell picture!

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但我的仁慈随时准备赐予战败者。But my clemency is ever prompt to stoop to the vanquished.

苏格兰猎鹿犬的工作与灵缇犬不同。Deerhounds do not stoop to their work like the Greyhounds.

注册走位稳定的这些天,有时有点屈尊。Reg walks a bit steady these days, sometimes with a bit of a stoop.