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他看人的眼神还是那种高高在上的神态。His stare is one of regal aloofness.

字符海鲂是一条豪华特性鱼。The character Dory is a Regal Tang fish.

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骑马的人是汉斯,确实是英俊潇洒、富丽堂皇。The rider, HANS, sure is handsome and regal.

他们在说什么有关新别克君威?What are they saying about the new Buick Regal?

那位雍容华贵的妇人给他留下了深刻的印象。The regal lady had made a deep impression on him.

新英格兰帝王豹纹蝶的消失也应如此。So should New England's loss of the regal fritillary.

豪华的圣詹姆斯公园周围环绕着三个皇家宫殿。Regal St James's Park is surrounded by three Royal palaces.

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1890年,享誉全球的芝华士12年威士忌诞生。In 1890, world-renowned 12-year Chivas Regal whiskey was born.

苏兰威士忌、华士波。您想点什?Chivas Regal and Bourbon. Would you like any drink before dinner?

总经理亚历山大先生如是说道。General Manager of Regal Jinfeng Hotel, Mr. Stephen J. Alexander said.

没有什么比对翼尖牛津急剧说经典,风格富豪。Nothing says classic, regal style more than a sharp pair of wing tip oxfords.

狮子被称为万兽之王,主要是因为它威严的长相。The lion is called the king of animals primarily because of its regal appearance.

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如2010年的君越一样,2010君威也出自传说中的厄普西龙2型结构。Like the 2010 LaCrosse, the 2010 Regal is built using GM's Epsilon II architecture.

其次,通用必须想好了君威怎么能和美国别克的产品线嫁接上。Second, it needs to figure where this Regal would fit in the American Buick lineup.

如此便利的交通,更是为四星级的富豪金丰酒店添加一个重量级的砝码。Such convenient traffic conditions adds to the charm of this four star Regal Hotel.

关门主义的策略则是孤家寡人的策略。The tactics of closed-doorism are, on the contrary, the tactics of the regal isolationist.

欲称王,只需要有帝国的疆域,言行举止好似一个王就可。To be a king, one need merely put forth one's regal state, one simply needs to act kingly.

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而那眉眼轻挑的却是暗暗剜了德妃一眼。But that eyebrow eye easily pick of yet is secretly a Wan chaste regal concubine's one eye.

尊贵的金、大胆的红,鬼异的紫和明亮的黄也被恰当地运用,完美地展现了狮子座内在的帝王气质。Regal colors, like golds, bold reds, purples and yellows, finish off your impressive spaces.

这仿古铜铃声项链是结合富豪紫水晶紫色珠子和水晶。This antiqued copper tone necklace is combined with regal amethyst purple beads and crystals.