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母鸡的繁殖?The breed of hen?

老牛不下崽。Old cattle breed not.

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一个优良品种形成了。A strong breed emerged.

蛆在乳酪里孳生。Maggots breed in cheese.

它们每年繁殖两次。They breed twice yearly.

鸟类在春季繁殖。Birds breed in the spring.

他将饲养好马。He will breed good horses.

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学者们是属于好静的类型。Scholars are a quiet breed.

煤矿工人都是能吃苦耐劳的。Coal-miners are a tough breed.

富人足食,穷人多子…Rich man feed, poor man breed.

这种羊是一种正在灭绝的品种。This is a dying breed of sheep.

养一只公猫一只母狗。Breed a tomcat and a female dog.

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是巴里岛的品种更适合你?Is a Balinese the Breed for You?

蚊子滋生于不流动的池塘里。Mosquitoes breed in still ponds.

拉不拉多是很好动的品种。The Labrador is an active breed.

他们在水库养鱼。They breed fish in the reservoir.

许多农民养奶牛和羊。Many farmers breed cows and sheep.

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他们在饲养场饲养长角牛。They breed longhorns on the ranch.

细菌在酒精里不会繁殖。Bacteria will not breed in alcohol.

该隐醒来一切可悯可悲的品种。Of Cain awoke all that woful breed.