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黑暗权势不能把我骚扰。No powers of darkness me molest.

哪种人更可能骚扰儿童?Who's more likely to molest a child?

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假如没有我,这─切都会来骚扰你。If I were gone, all these would molest you.

他被控告在公园对儿童进行性骚扰。He is accused of molest children in the park.

不损坏庄稼,不调戏妇女,不虐待战俘。Don't molest crops, women or prisoners of war.

什麽时候它得到接近的它将跳和干扰你!When it gets near it will jump and molest you !

看着一脸生无可恋的女主,男主又开始调戏她。Looking at a face she had love, men began to molest her.

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由于我们害怕那条大狗,所以我们不敢骚扰它。We did not molest the big dog because we were afraid of him.

若外方人在你们的地域内,与你住在一起,不可欺压他。When an alien resides with you in your land, do not molest him.

这个说法很是矛盾,但佛教徒的确是即爱着他们,又想折磨他们。It’s a paradox, but the Buddhist loves them both while at the same time wanting to molest them.

为一切事件,谁也无权干涉及骚扰他们中任何一人。And no man shall have power to do any thing against them, or to molest any of them, in any cause.

这位名叫邓玉娇的女性被控谋杀一名据称试图调戏她的官员。The woman, Deng Yujiao, has been accused of killing an official who allegedly attempted to molest her.

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没过一会儿,警察就来查房了,他们要了我们两人的身份证、暂住证,然后就走了。The hotel staff had called the cops on us because they thought I was underage and he was going to molest me.

一个男人假装体贴,为一个女孩子看家门,其实是为了找到机会进去侵犯她。A man who feigns thoughtfulness by offering to see a girl home only to try to molest her once he gets in the door.

没人胆敢干扰他家的清静,或骚扰他神圣的忧伤避难所。No one would have dared to intrude upon the privacy of his home, or to molest him in his sacred retreat of sorrow.

使你不害我们,正如我们未曾害你,一味地厚待你,并且打发你平平安安的走。that you will do us no harm, just as we did not molest you but always treated you well and sent you away in peace.

Samleang先生说一些国家正在非常努力地阻止本国居民去国外对儿童进行性骚扰。Mr Samleang says some countries are trying harder than others to stop their nationals going abroad to molest children.

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一些国家现在已经依法指控本国那些对外国儿童进行猥亵的居民。Some countries now have laws to prosecute nationals who molest children abroad and to curb paedophiles' foreign travel.

一些国家在指控本国那些对海外儿童进行猥亵的国民已经有法可依,并且可以控制恋童癖者国外旅行。Some countries now have laws to prosecute nationals who molest children abroad and to curb paedophiles’ foreign travel.

罪行被宗教的外衣遮避了,而性骚扰者则被包庇乃至再次犯罪,只因为“普世教会的好处”。Crimes were swept under the rectory rug, and molesters were protected to molest again for the “good of the universal church.”