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基尔帕特里克和贝蒂随后出庭否认发生婚外恋。Kilpatrick and Betty appears in court to deny that afterward has the adulterous love affair.

明明是希律犯了奸淫的罪,可是王却把约翰关进了位于约旦以东五英里的监狱里。It was an adulterous relationship. In return, Herod put him in the prison located 5 miles east of Jordan.

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他成为了这个不贞的女士给弗林戈领主的对于她怀孕的合理借口。He had become a convenient excuse for an adulterous noblewoman, a balm against Lord Feringal's cuckolding.

他在易趣上发起竞拍,将他的“爱欺骗撒谎,不贞的妻子”卖给出价最高的人。He created an eBay auction offering his "cheating, lying, adulterous slag of a wife" to the highest bidder.

以下哪两个人在舰队到达爱奥尼恩星云之前的几周一直被不忠的风流韵事所困扰?Which two people struggle with an adulterous love affair in the weeks before the fleet arrives at the Ionian Nebula?

而善于批评的中国调解员很可能会使不忠的王先生感到愧疚,因为他差点儿就毁了自己的婚姻。The critical Chinese mediator will probably make the adulterous Mr Wang feel guilty for nearly destroying his marriage.

高文的哥哥艾葛文和摩瑞,憎恶王后关妮维尔和第一武士蓝斯洛,因此对骑士们揭露他们之间不可告人的私情。Gawain 's brothers Aggravain and Mordred, hating the queen and Launcelot, speak of their adulterous love before numerous knights.

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把你家襁褓中的男孩的包皮割掉能降低他将来万一娶到个红杏出墙的老婆时,也养出个Lucas的风险。Having your infant son’s foreskin removed could reduce your boy’s chances of being cuckolded later on by his adulterous future wife.

真正为另一半的出轨释怀是极其艰难的。One of the hardest things in coping with adultery is to actually forgive the marriage partner that has committed the adulterous act.

但十年不够,政权已有很大的变化,因为大众得悉年轻皇室成员的情史。But within a decade, the British monarchy was anything but secure as the public learned of the adulterous affairs of the younger royals.

故事的结局中,女主角决定爱自己胜过爱其他人,离开不忠的丈夫,并开始自己的人生。At the end of the story, the female protagonist decides to love herself more than anyone else and start a new life without the adulterous husband.

需知,第三者通常并不真正了解出轨如何影响婚姻和家庭。A marriage partner must also remember that the adulterous partner does not really understand how much adultery affects the marriage and the family.

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在出轨中,需要牢记的一点是,第三者通常并不真正了解其行为后果。One thing for you to remember when coping with adultery, is to realize that the adulterous marriage partner does not understand the full consequences of their actions.