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它需要小型车来扩充它的阵容。It needs to add small cars to the lineup.

该名单仍然有待皇室的批准。The lineup is still pending royal endorsement.

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这就是可以组成的最佳阵容吗?Is this the best offensive lineup ever assembled?

现在Carrie的少女版要加入CW阵营了。Now a teen version of Carrie may be joining the CW’s lineup.

这个阵容帮助扭转了俱乐部的经济状况。This lineup helped turn around the club's economic fortunes.

克尔维特是重新大体育标志,其产品阵容。Corvette is reintroducing the Grand Sport badge to its lineup.

而且一个方便的便携袋完善了配件的阵容。Completing the lineup of accessories is a handy carrying pouch.

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戴尔就重新布阵了其硬件,其中包括了几款上网本。Dell rejiggered its hardware lineup to include several netbooks.

这套平均身高超过6尺10寸的阵容应该不会出现在第三战中。The lineup of 6-foot-10 and above probably won't debut in Game 3.

戴尔就重新布阵了其硬件,其中包括了几款上网本。Dell re-jiggered it's hardware lineup to include several netbooks.

戴尔就重新布阵了其硬件,其中包括了几款上网本。Dell re-jiggered it's hardware lineup to include several networks.

杜兰特的存在也弥补了死亡五小的一些弱点。Also really neutralizes some of the weaknesses of the death lineup.

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等设备,组成坚强的模具组立阵容。And other equipment to form a strong group of legislative lineup mold.

我们是在读硕博及部分专家学者,阵容强大。We are reading the Shuobo and partial expert scholar, a strong lineup.

金酸莓奖提名在奥斯卡提名之前一天发布,由大约600位投票者评出。The Razzies lineup was announced a day before Oscar nominations come out.

泰国的阵容,与来年亚洲锦原赛予冠时基原一样。The Thai lineup was basically the same as in last year's Asian title bout.

第五次也是最后一次派彩,整个春节联欢晚会节目单也出炉了。The fifth and final rehearsal, with the entire Spring Festival Gala lineup.

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好彩个收银员做野好有啲效率,排队时间比想象中快。The lineup went by pretty quickly, I believe due to the efficient cashiers.

加入文斯卡特明天上场了,他将重回先发的位置而顶替之前取代他的JJ雷迪克。Assuming Carter plays, he will take JJ Redick's spot in the starting lineup.

这场比赛给了皇家队教练杰森·克雷斯一个试验阵容的机会。The game gave Real coach Jason Kreis a chance to experiment with his lineup.