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遥远的、最隐秘的、不可侵犯的玫瑰。Far-off, most secret, and inviolate Rose?

至于教义和道德规范,没有一个主教拥有完整无缺不受侵犯的自主权。In matters of doctrine and ethics, no bishop was in possession of inviolate autonomy.

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保证这段时间没有人打扰,且不要在这段时间安排会议或者其他事情。Make this time inviolate , and don't allow meetings or other things to be scheduled during this time.

现有的国家老虎保护指导方针提出所谓的核心保护区“不受侵犯”。Existing national tiger conservation guidelines declare so-called core areas of a reserve to be "inviolate."

很少有书籍可以宣称,没有被翻阅过,但是那无数的书籍环绕着他,至少有七个世纪被被动过。Few collections could claim to have never been disturbed, yet the innumerable volumes that surrounded him had remained inviolate for seven centuries.

尽管美国人通常认为宗教自由是不可违反的原则,但由于人性并不完美,对许多宗教的尊重和宽容依然面临考验。Respect and tolerance for many faiths is tested as imperfect human beings attempt to adhere to what is often seen in America as an inviolate principle.

但繁荣的经济吸引了数以百万人到中国工作、学习和旅游,而罪犯也越来越蔑视长久以来认为外国人不可侵犯的文化。But the booming economy draws millions to China to work, study and travel, and criminals increasingly are defying a culture that has long considered foreigners inviolate.

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只是在阳光下那仅剩大理石柱的帕特农神殿依然传达着一种令人肃穆的威严,仰视的时候我觉得睁不开眼。I couldn't open my eyes when I tried to look straightly against the sun at the Parthenon Temple. It was still so solemn and inviolate like it was or it has never ever been.

无论是封建国家,君主国家还是民主国家,都会避开相关的法律,通过打薄硬币厚度或者加入其它物质,用同量的金银铸造更多的货币。Monarchs, despots and even democrats tried to skirt this inviolate law by filing down their coinage or mixing other substances to make more coins out of the same amount of gold and silver.

投资者面临的问题是不确定性.一种可能性是,8月2日过后投资者可能受损.另一种可能性是,美国财政部可能决定优先偿债,避免短期违约.For one thing, the August 2 deadline is not necessarily inviolate. For another, Treasury could decide it was a priority to keep paying its debt obligations, avoiding any short-term default.

君主,专制君主或者甚至是民主党人们都通过在铸币过程中加入其他物质以用相同数量的金银制造更多的硬币来回避这项未受侵犯的法律。Monarchs, despots and even democrats tried to skirt this inviolate law by filing down their coinage or mixing in other substances to make more coins out of the same amount of gold or silver.