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这就有问题了。Very problematic.

这极是问题。It's extremely problematic.

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这是个有疑问的词。It is a sort of a problematic word.

一些抵抗措施是有问题的。Some of the remedies are problematic.

然而去凤凰城目前是有问题的。But getting to Phoenix is now problematic.

我们的生意前景尚成疑问。The future of our business is problematic.

然而,大卫的设计结果出了问题。David’s design, however, proved problematic.

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牛屁中的甲烷会污染环境吗?Is the Methane from Cows' Farts Problematic?

这是他论题中最有争议的部分。This is the most problematic part of his thesis.

序列化所牵扯的问题要多一些。The serialization case is a bit more problematic.

但实际上,这是有问题的。And as we'll see, this can in fact be problematic.

但反射的某些方面存在一些疑问。But some aspects of reflection can be problematic.

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在此外,奈韦拉平已被证明是有问题的。In addition, nevirapine has proven to be problematic.

在印度“游牧”一词词义也存有争议。Just defining the term "nomad" is problematic in India.

腐败和官员仍然有问题。Corruption and bureaucratic fiefdoms remain problematic.

只是我们的一字一板的解读方式确实是个问题。Our literal interpretations, however, can be problematic.

此示例演示了三个主要疑难问题This example demonstrates the three key problematic issues

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佩普所推进的“政策处方”也同样存在着问题。The policy prescriptions Pape advances are also problematic.

威尔将“死亡敲门新闻”标上有问题的标签是正确的。Wheal is right to flag up death-knock journalism as problematic.

9级车一直是整条线上最成问题的一辆。Tier 9 was always the most problematic tier of the entire branch.