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真高赌注的扑克。Really high stakes poker.

他一直都是喜怒不形于色。He always has this poker face.

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关于赌场中扑克牌桌的示例The Casino Poker Table example

什么是在扑克满堂彩?。What is a Full House in Poker?

在纸牌游戏中提高赌金。Raising the ante in a poker game.

假设你在和朋友打扑克。You’replaying poker with friends.

当然不要说是和你的那些牌友们。And don't say your "poker buddies."

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爸爸用通条把火捅得更旺。Father poked the fire with a poker.

我总是绷着一张脸。I always keep a complete poker face.

他摘下一根烧火棍开始做示范。He picked up a poker and demonstrated.

对于男士来说,你或许可以通宵打牌。For guys, you might have a poker night.

他用拨火棍拨弄着一堆灰烬。He poked at a pile of ashes with a poker.

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要保持一种办现公事时一本正经的神态。Keep a Poker face in business situations.

如同扑克牌中的孤注一掷。Kind of like going all-in on a poker hand.

体验朴克的兴奋在它最佳!Experience the thrill of poker at its best!

打扑克时我赢了他10英镑。I took him for 10 pounds at the poker game.

昨天我打牌把钱输光了。I lost all my money yesterday playing poker.

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在生意场上,不露声色会非常有用的。In business a poker face can be very useful.

他喜欢打扑克牌到很晚。He liked to play Poker cards until very late.

你看她的扑克脸,她在装酷。Look at her poker face, she's playing it cool.