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他自己动手用研钵和杵把冰糖研成粉。He ground the rock candy with a mortar and pestle.

研磨,捣碎用作杵和臼来制作一种牙科用混合物的过程。The composing of a dental amalgam by mortar and pestle.

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手持久的动作,敲打也,捣舂也。Prolonged hand movement. To knock, to pound with pestle.

玻璃在水下被杵和臼碾压。This glass is ground under water using pestle and mortar.

在汉代出现了人工墨之后,杵逐渐消失。After artificial ink-sticks appeared in Han, pestle gradually disappeared.

在一个石碾中,把干辣椒,月桂叶和盐碾碎。In a pestle and mortar, grind up dried chillies, dried bay leaves and sea salt.

迫击炮和杵首次用来粉碎的颗粒点火粉末。A mortar and pestle was first used to pulverize the granules of Ignition Powder.

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我看到你右手食指被乳钵柄摩出老茧的地方了。I saw the callous spot on your right forefinger where the handle of the pestle rubs.

只知抱杵捣秋砧,不觉高楼已无月。Only know how to hold pestle autumn anvil, high-rise buildings no longer feel dated.

给使用微油螺杆式压缩机的厂家提供一些参考依据。Providing some references for the factories that use the micro oil pestle compressor.

印度巴布内斯瓦尔一位妇女正准备用石杵研磨红色的矿物颜料。A woman in Bhubaneswar, India, prepares to grind red mineral pigment on a stone pestle.

你可以用手指将药草弄碎成小块或是用研钵和杵。You can use your fingers to crumble the herbs into small pieces or use a mortar and pestle.

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干炒孜然和芫荽籽,然后用杵和臼磨成碎末。Dry fry the cumin and coriander seeds, then grind them into a powder using a pestle and mortar.

他们的女儿告诉吉尔,说听到爸爸在卧室用杵捣碎一些东西的声音。Their daughter told her mother she heard her father grinding a pestle and mortar in the bedroom.

泰国人常用这类捣物器制作沙律,可在泰式杂货店购买得到。The Thai usually make salad with mortar and pestle. This tool can be found at Thai grocery store.

很多时候我们都可以用电动搅拌机,绞肉器或是手磨来代替研钵和研杵。The electric blender, meat grinder, and food mill take the place of a mortar and pestle in many instances.

很明显研钵和杵比桌面好用,而一架咖啡研磨机无疑是制作好的蜜蜂浆糊的最好的工具。A mortar and pestle worked better than the desktop, and a coffee grinder worked best of all for making good bee paste.

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中的混合油捣烂分量中一半的迷迭香和一半的薰衣草,加入油能有助于研磨。Crush half the rosemary and lavender in a mortar and pestle with a little of the oil, to help ease the crushing process.

你虽用杵、愚妄人与打碎的麦子一同捣在臼中、的愚妄还是离不了他。Though you pound a fool in a mortar with a pestle along with crushed grain, Yet his foolishness will not depart from him.

常见的用法是把捣碎的龙虾壳或黄油这类食材放在筛面上,然后用研磨杵来搓压。The ingredients, such as pounded lobster shells and butter, are placed on the screen and rubbed through ir with the pestle.