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进入房地产吧。Go into real estate.

地产“泡沫化”。Real estate "bubble".

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那是华苑小区。That is Huayuan Estate.

我的地产离那有一英里。My estate lies within a mile.

房地产开发企业会计。Accounting of real estate ent.

他拥有相当可观的房地产。He owns considerable real estate.

房地产行业的春天来了。It is springtime for real estate.

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后来又开始炒房地产,Then you've had real estate boom,

脾气好,终身受益。Good temper is an estate for life.

他在苏塞克斯郡有一座大庄园。He owned a large estate in Sussex.

我的寓所和她的地产毗邻。My small rectory abuts her estate.

现在,我仍然选择了房地产。Today, I still prefer real estate.

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甲负责管理乙的遗产。A administers upon the estate of B.

他的庄园里建了一个工场。A workshop was built on his estate.

财产传给了长子。The estate falls to the eldest son.

他结束了对该地产的租借。He ended his tenantry of the estate.

该土地被分租出去。The estate was broken up and farmed.

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那个新的楼盘现已开售。The new estate is open for sale now.

他的儿子们已把财产挥霍殆尽。His sons have dilapidated the estate.

开元地产厚积薄发,蓄势而上。Kai Yuan Real Estate is full of life.