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“啊,诚实探测器,”特拉弗斯夸张地叹口气,“很原始——但很有效!”"Ah, Probity Probes, " sighed Travers theatrically, "so crude — but effective! "

“可是,”波尚傲慢地答道,“有的时候,当正义的命令——”"Yet , " replied Beauchamp haughtily, "there are occasions when probity commands"

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TST提供一个完全公正的服务,以它的正直和公平行为闻名。TST provides an impartial service that is renowned for its probity and fair dealing.

在经济繁荣时期,德国银行系统的诚信度几乎没有一个达到欧洲平均水平。During the boom years, Germany's banking system was hardly a model of mittel-European probity.

正直的人,苦心孤诣,正是为了爱护这些群众,才和他们进行斗争。The man of probity sacrifices himself, and out of his very love for this crowd, he combats it.

廉政文化建设是党风廉政建设的重要手段。Construction of probity culture is essential in the construction of clean and honest Party conduct.

大学生廉洁行为缺失主要表现在大学生的诚信行为缺失、勤俭行为缺失和清正行为缺失。The deficiency of the college students' integrity includes the deficiency of honest, thriftiness and probity.

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毕竟,人们对该政府廉洁的担忧并没有阻止派出大量军队进行救助。After all, concerns about the government’s probity have not stopped the delivery of massive military aid to it.

第二,本文从组织制度的角度,提出反腐倡廉的根本出路在于制度建设。Secondly, it raises the point of the basis of anti-corruption and advocating the probity is the system construction.

在廉政建设中,教育系统领导干部的廉洁自律应具有更高的标准。To build an uncorrupted government, education system cadres' probity and self-discipline should have higher standards.

索科尔那位知名的代理律师对该报告内容提出辩驳,称他的客户是“一名罕见的正直廉洁之人”。Sokol's high-profile attorney disputed the board's report and said his client is "a man of uncommon rectitude and probity."

同样,巴菲特正派的作风以及无可匹敌的投资记录也能为他所购买的股票笼罩上暖暖的光环。Likewise, Mr. Buffett's reputation for probity and unrivalled investing record can cast a warm glow over the stocks he buys.

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卡钦斯基兄弟恨透了这档子事儿,他们最首要的是想树立一个清廉的政府,他们自身的清白是毋庸置疑的。The Kaczynskis loathe this sort of thing. They like to stand above all for clean government. Their own probity is unquestioned.

新加坡的高薪养廉政策非常成功,促进了政府的廉洁和高效率。High salary for clean government policy in Singapore is very successful, it promotes probity and high efficiency of the government.

他的支持者竭力宣称审判的不仅仅是陈水扁的正直还包括台湾司法的公正。His supporters are trying to ensure it is not just Mr Chen's probity but also the integrity of Taiwanese justice that are on trial.

马基雅弗利颇有深意地指出,辞职不仅可避免猜疑,还可因这一德行而获誉。Resigning, Machiavelli astutely noted, would operate not only to defend against suspicion but also to create a reputation for probity.

对廉洁自律问题的研究,过去通常注重从定性的角度去分析,而且往往只停留在认识的层面。The study on probity and self-discipline used to emphasize analyzing on its definition, and usually stays in the layer of recognition.

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反腐倡廉是加强党的建设和干部队伍建设的重要内容。Opposing corruption and being in probity is the main content of accelerating the party's construction and the cadres team construction.

中国实施更加开明的汇率政策,是这种合作的重要组成部分,其重要程度至少与美国提高财政政策诚信度相当。A more enlightened Chinese currency policy is at least as important a component of that co-operation as greater probity in US fiscal policy.

但是,刚正不阿并不能够解释为什么丁丁会成为欧洲文化史上的里程碑–他在大西洋此岸的重要性与超人在彼岸的重要性相当。But probity cannot explain why Tintin became a cultural landmark in Europe, as important on his side of the Atlantic as Superman on the other.