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不要忘记带面纸。Don't forget the Kleenex.

不要忘记带纸巾。Don't forget your Kleenex.

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我知道。你要纸巾吗?I see. Would you like a Kleenex?

你在打喷嚏。需要面纸吗?。You're sneezing. Do you need a Kleenex?

有舒洁准备好当你听它。Have Kleenex ready when you listen to it.

我没有离开床,没有时间让我拿纸巾。I never left the bed. There was no time for Kleenex.

当她擤鼻子的时候,纸巾粘到了脸上。Is when she blow her nose, Kleenex sticks to her face.

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再放一瓶润滑剂和一盒纸巾在你的床边。Also, keep a bottle of lube and a box of Kleenex next to your bed.

不要随处打喷嚏或擤鼻涕,而是要对着手巾或者卫生纸。And don't sneeze or blow your nose anywhere except into a handkerchief or Kleenex.

但有时候,我来到他面前,态度轻率得好像只是要来买一盒卫生纸一样。But sometimes I approach Him as casually as if I were shopping for a box of Kleenex.

若能采取正确的预防措施,你将可为自己省去许多辗转难眠的夜晚和无数张面纸。If you take the right precautions, you'll save yourself a whole lot of restless nights and Kleenex.

我取出面巾纸递给索马,我们一起站着平静地思索了好一阵,用面巾纸擦着鼻涕。I handed Mathew a Kleenex and we stood there together, quietly lost in our own thoughts for a moment, blowing our noses.

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他们拿起纸盒看看好像在想,“是给我准备的么“,一个人长吁一声说,天哪,我们以为,我们快了They grabbed the Kleenex box and like "This is for me." One guy goes "Shoo, we thought we were, God, that was so close."

自1924年起,“克里内克斯”就成了美国金佰利-克拉克国际公司生产的面巾纸的注册商标品牌名。Since 1924, "Kleenex" has been the trademarked brand name of facial tissues manufactured by Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc.

在餐馆里,纸巾是少数免费供应的东西之一,但大家依然会在需要时购买纸巾。Paper napkins are one of the few things available for free in restaurants but people will still pay money for Kleenex when they need it.

她常常在他的出差行李里藏一张有自己唇印的纸巾,而他总是将这个吻放在酒店床边。She often hid an imprint of her lips somewhere in his luggage when he traveled, and he'd keep that Kleenex kiss next to his bed in his hotel.

有一天我叫大家开会,那时是春天容易感冒,当时我就患了重感冒,于是我就犯了,一个经典的错误,我把Kleenex纸盒带进了办公室。One day I called a meeting, and I was in the spring So I had a heavy fever. So I made a classical mistake of bringing a box Kleenex next day to the room.

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没有特定的演员,没有特定的广告剧本对白,健力士希望通过真人真事,真情流露的广告来体现自己与消费者之间的近在咫尺的关系,是他们的生活良伴。No specific actors, no specific ad play dialogue, Kleenex wants to show its close relationship with the consumers with the ad of telling true story by true people.

一位友人告诉我,某间教会在圣坛前面放了一盒纸巾,那盒纸巾就放在洗礼盆和圣餐桌旁边。A friend of mine tells about a church that has a box of Kleenex at the front of the sanctuary. Alongside the baptism font and the Lord's table, there's a box of Kleenex.

成功怀孕和减少面巾纸花费只是一种消费新潮流激起的两朵小浪花而已,消费者目前对依托亚洲传统药物而开发的产品和服务兴趣日渐浓厚。Helping make babies and cutting down on Kleenex costs are two small parts of the growing consumer appetite for products and services derived from ancient Asian medicines.