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我不过是一朵银莲花。I am an mere anemone.

早上好,海葵和小丑鱼。Good day, sea anemone and clown fish.

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你想让这个海葵刺疼你吗?Do you want this anemone to sting you?

就像小丑鱼和海葵那样。Like the clown fish and the sea anemone.

银莲花属花粉形态的研究。Studies on pollen morphology of Anemone L.

这朵银莲花是我最喜爱的植物之一。This anemone is one of my favorite plants.

海葵是无脊椎动物,有一千多个品种。There aremore than a thousand sea anemone species.

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一只小丑鱼从它的家、带有有毒触须的海葵里向外窥探着。An anemonefish peers out from among the toxic tentacles of its sea anemone home.

小丑鱼躲茂在海葵有毒的触须中不会受伤。Clownfish hide among the poisonous tentacles of a sea anemone without being hurt.

我伸出一根手指做了个感观试验,只感到轻微的刺痛感。I extend afinger as an anemone taste test and feel only a faint sticky sensation.

它和陆地生物银莲花一样,得名于它的华丽。The invertebrate takes itsname from the equally flashy terrestrial anemone flower.

这到底是某些诡异的天空“海葵”还是只是一个飘到野外的气球?Is this some weird sky anemone or merely a very strange balloon caught in the wind?

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这些五颜六色的鱼长着一层粘膜,保护它们不会被海葵刺痛。These colorful fish have a layer of mucous that keeps the anemone from stinging it.

不列颠哥伦比亚外海域的白色海葵一直与海星为伴。Here, a white sea anemone keepscompany with a sea star in the waters off British Columbia.

在华盛顿州的克拉兰湾的一个随潮汐涨落的水潭里,一只巨大的绿海葵正吞食着一只红巨蟹。A giant green sea anemone eats a red cancer crab in a tidal pool in Washington's Clallam Bay.

银莲花在阳光下充满生气,介于海洋潮汐的冷却膨胀之间。A vibrant Anemone has it's moment in the sun, in between the cooling swells of the ocean tide.

奇异海葵鱼与紫色章鱼。An odd-looking type of anemone and a purple octopus were among the creatures on the ocean floor.

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曾有种习俗,那就是年轻人过去常常把他们的诗赋予一年中第一朵银莲花。There was a custom that young people used to give and take their poems with the first Anemone of the year.

春天来了,这里周围的一切都被樱草花淹没,而此刻银莲花正在愉快的盛放。In the spring all everything around the place is covered with primroses. At the moment wood anemone is abloom.

这个男孩是谁收到的信非常高兴,亲吻海葵,放在他的办公桌抽屉里有她的信。The boy who received the letter was so happy, kissed the Anemone and put her in a drawer of his desk with the letter.