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会议期间,世贸组织自助餐厅所售的香蕉上都贴着哥斯达黎加的“金吉达”商标。Bananas for sale in the WTO cafeteria during the talks carry Chiquita stickers from Costa Rica.

奇基塔香蕉公司支付了一大笔保护费,交换条件是这两个准军事组织停止屠杀行径和制造爆炸。Chiquita shelled out protection money to get the paramilitary groups to stop killing and bombing.

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哥伦比亚革命军因绑架并撕票奇基塔香蕉公司的员工以及空袭奇基塔香蕉公司的领土这两件事而出名。FARC was famous for abducting Chiquita workers and killing them, as well as aerial bombings of Chiquita lands.

因此,司法部门拿资助恐怖组织这件事将矛头对准奇基塔香蕉公司,显得很突兀。Therefore, it is outrageous that the Justice Department would target Chiquita Banana for funding terrorist organizations.

奇基塔香蕉公司不仅是单个恐怖主义者的受害者,也是打着反恐战争旗号、位处公共部门的掠夺者手下的牺牲品。Chiquita is not only the victim of private terrorists but of violent public-sector extortionists in the name of the war on terror.

左翼人士已经抗议奇基塔香蕉公司很久了,以至于大部分积极分子可能忘记他们为什么要憎恨这家公司。Lefties have protested against Chiquita Banana for so long that most activists probably forget why they are supposed to hate the company.

奇基塔公司说,他们在哥伦比亚农业区的雇员受到恐怖组织的威胁,因此他们为了员工安全才交纳保护费。Chiquita said it made the payments for the safety of its employees, who were threatened by the organizations in farming regions of Colombia.

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另外,Chiquita把香蕉送到几个分配中心,在那里,香蕉被储存在被设计用来实施催熟工序的“催熟屋”里。Otherwise, Chiquita sends bananas to several distribution centers, where they are stored in "ripening rooms" designed to reactivate the ripening process.

这让Chiquita能够给消费者提供呈现他们喜欢的颜色的香蕉,不同成熟度的颜色,从绿色到深黄色。This allows Chiquita to deliver bananas with the colors requested by the customers, which falls anywhere on a nine-point scale ranging from green to deep yellow.

尽管像马其魁塔海滩这样的地方,吸引了不少冲浪和其他水上运动的爱好者,但波多黎各的首都圣胡安城,也能够给不下海的人们提供许多娱乐。Though beaches like Mar Chiquita Beach draw Boogie-boarders and other watersports lovers, Puerto Rico also offers lots of landlubber entertainment in its main city, San Juan.