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我们支持加强经社理事会在发展领域的协调作用。We support the coordinating role of ECOSOC in development-related areas.

今年经社理事会就改善全球卫生领域的性别不平等现象进行了深入讨论。This year, ECOSOC conducted in-depth discussions on gender inequality in the area of health.

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“经社理事会”作为讨论国际经济和社会问题的中心论坛。"ECOSOC" serves as the central forum for discussing international economic and social issues.

GEN已经被联合国承认为联合国经济及社会理事会的一个顾问成员。GEN has been given recognition by the United Nations as a consulting member of the ECOSOC commission.

1997年在政府间森林小组使命完成之后,经社理事会建立了政府间森林论坛In 1997, after the IPF mandate concluded, the ECOSOC established an intergovernmental forum on forests

中国提出“不采取行动”动议的根据是联合国经社理事会通过的议事规则。Our proposing of "no-action" motion is in full accordance with the Rules of Procedure adopted by the ECOSOC.

经社理事会及相关发展援助机构应在委员会工作中发挥重要作用。In this respect, the ECOSOC and other development aid agencies should have an important role to play in the Commission.

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这是叙利亚第一个受到经社理事会认可的非政府组织,这将使它能够出席并参加联合国的活动。This was the first Syrian NGO ever to receive ECOSOC accreditation, which allows it to attend and take part in UN events.

联大、安理会、经社会等相关机构均应结合各自特点发挥优势,为PBC工作提供支持。The General Assembly, Security Council and ECOSOC should all make good use of their respective advantages to support the work of PBC.

近年来经社理事会振兴了其作用,带头迎接全球化带来的许多重大挑战。ECOSOC has seen a revitalized role in recent years as it has taken the lead in tackling many of the major challenges presented by globalization.

近年来,越来越多的非政府组织取得经社会咨商地位,非政府组织的参与有助于我们倾听不同的声音。In recent years more and more NGOs have acquired a consultative status with ECOSOC. Their participation has enabled us to hear more different voices.

相当长时间以来,南北半球的深刻分歧导致联合国大会和经济及社会理事会一直在这些问题上进行着两极分化的、无成果的辩论。For many years, deep North-South divisions led to polarized, sterile and largely unproductive debates in the General Assembly and ECOSOC on these issues.