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他转了身,消失在屏风后面。He turned and disappeared behind the shoji screen.

每天过著下将棋喝著茶的悠閒隐居生活。Drinking tea and playing shoji during a relax life everyday!

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格栅之外,障子纸和石头亦是空间的亮点。Outside of the grill, shoji paper and stone are also space highlights.

浅野正二在高处观察旅社,他想等窗帘拉开时在远处狙击。Asano Shoji at the height of observation Hotel, he wanted to wait curtains in the distance sniper.

日本寒川商事集团,是系日本的专业进口商社集团。Japan winter Shinagawa Shoji Group, is the Department of Japan's professional importers Clubs Group.

日本国大北商事株式会社是一家生产销售各类珠宝首饰包装及化妆品的专业公司。Dabei Japanese shoji Co. , Ltd. is a manufacturing and sales all kinds of jewelry and cosmetics packaging company.

浅野正二丢失池河桥后被罚禁闭十天,他只好交出配枪接受处罚。Asano Shoji lost pool was a penalty for ten days after the bridge, he had to surrender their guns to accept the punishment.

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在灯光的烘托下,白色障子纸的纹理图案婉约生动,别有一番自然雅致之美。In the contrast of light, the white shoji paper has graceful and vivid patterns, revealing special natural and elegant beauty.

房间可以作为客房使用在一间酒店,如果该分区被删除或商事可作为一大,长期使用空间。The room can be used as guest room at a hotel, and if the partition or shoji is removed it can be used as one big, long space.

这样的。因此,形象终于,但没有达到完全水平的性能使用商事,直到约2天之前。So the image finally got there, but didn't reach the complete level with the performance using shoji until about 2 days before.

张黑头从洞口出去后发现屋里没人,见浅野正二进来后他慌忙躲藏起来,张黑头等他出去后从窗户看到外面都是日军。After finding no one in the room, see Asano Shoji came after he flurried hide, a black and he went out from the window to see the outside is japanese.

东京附近的筑波大学的教授正治石坝说,由于中国政府模式的性质,政策在那里实施比较快。Shoji Shiba, a professor at Tsukuba University near Tokyo, said due to the nature of the government model in China, policies were implemented faster there.

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这次访问是在春天,和新鲜的绿色青苔的花园完全是美丽的,因为它形成鲜明对照的软白带商事屏幕除以木材栏。The trip was in spring, and the fresh green moss in the garden was utterly beautiful as it contrasted the soft white band of shoji screens divided by wood columns.

此外公寓里还有许多日本元素,包括了定制的与窗户呼应的卧室拉门。There are more elements of Japan in the apartment, including the shoji screens dividing the bedroom area, which were custom designed to echo identically the pattern of the windows.

到了晚上,灯光从卧室内部以及建筑中庭透射出来,公寓变得十分温馨。At night, with the light behind the shoji doors, and the light coming in from the atrium of the building, the apartment becomes a cosy place – like the inside of a Japanese lantern.