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他用木头削成了一个雕像。He chipped a figure out of wood.

黏土佛像碎裂了。The clay Buddha has chipped off.

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她碰碎了我最好的玻璃杯。She chipped one of my best glass.

罐子的口缺了。The mouth of the jar was chipped.

茶碗缺了个口儿。The rim of the teacup is chipped.

他碰坏了我最好的玻璃杯。He chipped one of my best glasses.

剖鱼工人把鱼头都斩掉。The workers chipped fish head off.

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她碰碎了我最好的玻璃杯。She chipped one of my best glasses.

莎拉打烂了一只破口的盘子。Sarah dropped a plate and chipped it.

办公室凑钱,支持我们。The office chipped in and sided with us.

伞的支撑架覆盖层的缺口。Chipped off coating on holder of umbrella.

他把茶杯的边打碎了一块。He chipped a piece off the edge of the cup.

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它看起来就像一块巨大的灰色鹅卵石,带着劈过的痕迹。It looks like a large, chipped grey cobble.

他们将门上的旧漆铲掉。They chipped the old paint off from the door.

约翰很少说话,但也偶尔插几句。John didn't say much but chipped in a few words.

对不起,我把你的桌子切了一个小口。I've chipped a pice out of your table, i'm sorry.

他从大冰块上凿下来几小块。He chipped a few pieces of ice from the large block.

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我们搬家时,把钢琴碰掉了一小块。A piece was chipped off the piano when we moved house.

当然啦。我们凑钱给她买了束花。Sure. We chipped in and bought her a bunch of flowers.

当然,芯片身份证加快了出入境办理流程。Certainly, chipped ID cards speed things up at borders.