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我和我的小三轮车。Me and my little tricycle.

那男孩骑着三轮车走了。The boy pedalled away on his tricycle.

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他的三轮车的踏板坏了。The pedals of his tricycle did not work.

我儿子跟我这样说,这台车是台湾的宾士。Our tricycle is a Taiwanese Mercedes Benz.

这可怜的小家伙从他的三轮童车上摔下来了。The poor little fellow fell off his tricycle.

在宾馆,一个骑着儿童三轮车的男孩撞到乔尔。At the hotel, a boy on a tricycle crashes into Joel.

我当上州长以后,他又把我提升了一格,让我坐到三轮车里。When I became governor he promoted me to a tricycle.

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他把旧自行车的零件拆下来修配他的三轮车。He cannibalized his old bicycle to repair his tricycle.

最后真的走不动了,只好叫三轮车载我们回去。Was really walk, had called the tricycle to carry us back.

大树非常喜欢他的三轮车-嘀嘀。Dashu likes his tricycle very much, which he calls "Di-Di".

他用平板车拉走了我家的大彩电。He took away our big color television on a flatbed tricycle.

我现在就能把你辗扁。你那车是在法国赢回来的。I can smash you right now. You win your little tricycle France.

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一名妇女骑着一辆载满塑料泡沫箱的三轮车。A woman rides a tricycle loaded up with many polystyrene foam boxes.

绊倒了一辆三轮车上,像小鸟一样扑打着翅膀,转着圈呢?Tripped on a tricycle and is running in circles flapping like a bird?

一名男子骑着一辆平板三轮车给周围的居民运送蜂窝煤。A man rides a flat-bed tricycle deliver bricks of coal to neighborhoods.

游客们喜欢乘坐这些三轮车,但它们车费可能很高。Tourists like these human-pedalled tricycle taxis, but they can be expensive.

可是那天,父亲一下子卖了几千斤,装了整整一三轮车。But that day, father suddenly sold thousands of jins, arranged for a tricycle.

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它有一个旋转翼单位重视三轮车大会通过杭螺栓。It has a rotary wing unit attached to a tricycle assembly through a hang bolt.

邻居们把她抬上车时,她还在大口大口地吐着鲜血。She was vomiting mouthfuls of blood when neighbors carried her to the tricycle.

直升飞机液压-操作可收放前三点轮式起落架。The helicopter has hydraulically-operated retractable tricycle type landing gear.