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这是种很好的提醒。It is a good reminder.

我在告示牌上贴了一个提示语。I stuck a reminder on the bulletin board.

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这种痛彻心扉的感觉能提醒我,她真的存在过。The pain is my only reminder that he was real.

这个名字也时刻提醒我们,这支乐队一开始是多么不起眼。It is also a reminder of our humble beginnings.

宗教曾起过提示苦难的作用。Religion once functioned as a reminder of misery.

这暗示即刻提醒了代尔那。The allusion served as a timely reminder to Darnay.

随手关灯,关水龙头,不要再让爸爸提醒我了。I will reminder everyone to shut off lights and taps.

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延髓的是提醒我们,我们是在最后几天。The dvc is a reminder to us that we are in our last days.

是中国制造基地的一颗催璨明珠。China's manufacturing base is a reminder of the Pearl Can.

那可以提醒你要把每颗牙彻底刷干净。That acts as a good reminder to brush each tooth thoroughly.

死亡时刻在提醒着我们,我们的存在有多么脆弱。Death is the constant reminder of how frail our existence is.

能让你想起心中的温暖也是不错的。It's nice just to have a reminder of that warm feeling inside.

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她在一次攀登事故中折断了脊梁骨。The accident is a salutary reminder of the danger of climbing.

当你开始下一个目标时,设置同样一个提醒,以此类推。When you start the next goal, set the next reminder and so on.

它适时的提醒着人们即使再狡猾的狐狸也会大便。A timely reminder that even the foxiest foxes are full of sh*t.

我们会很快看到一个提示,表明我是谁。And now I met a prompt that says who I am as a little reminder.

那张宝丽来彩照一直提醒着他自己的目标。The colored piece of paper was a constant reminder of his goal.

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火炬塔里燃烧着一团火焰,让人想到奥林匹克圣火。A fire burns in the cauldron, as a reminder of the Olympic flame.

现在只剩下废墟的矿城使人回想起过去的时代。The mining town, now a mere carcass, is a reminder of a past era.

赵琳的提醒,又让我的思绪回到少年时代。Zhao Lin's reminder sent my thoughts back to when we were little.