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然而,我将失去我的纯真。However, I will lose my trueness.

这份真实,让上海显得更为强大。This trueness and sincerity, makes Shanghai even stronger.

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让边缘发现松动辐条其真实性由低张力。Let the rim find its low tension trueness by loosening spokes.

现在的有些电视剧,情节夸诞,缺乏生活中的真实性。Some TV shows are full of exaggeration and lack trueness to life.

同时,也对“架上艺术”所追求的“真实”提出了质疑。At the same time, it oppugned on trueness which was pursued by Easel Art.

一个文本没有确定的真实,只有不断被阐释的历史。A text baa no absolute trueness but only successively interpreted history.

所以显示出足够的纯真,哪怕是你的情绪中一点幼稚和柔软的地方。So show the enough trueness even some naive and soft things in your affection.

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在森林审美的不同层次中,“真”的表达各不相同。On the different levels of forest aesthetics, the concepts of trueness are different.

该剧虚实相生的枢纽是超自然力量。The hinge of the interaction between falseness and trueness is the supernatural power.

作品中真实与存在之间的错觉,色彩与构成传达的韵律烙上奥普艺术的特质。Works have misconception of trueness and existence and his Optical Art is being rhythm.

中国文化重在求善,西方文化重在求真。Chinese civilization lays emphasis on pursuing goodness, and western on seeking trueness.

作为价值判断的人权无关真假,是一种类似于真实性的要求。To say, human rights have nothing to do with true or false, but a request similar to trueness.

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接着他在那短暂的余辉中又望望那突然显得真切的铁桥。Then he was watching the bridge again in the sudden short trueness of the little light that was left.

病案具有真实、自然的特点,病案教学可起到模拟直观教学的作用。Case has the characteristics of trueness and naturalness and case teaching can play the role as simulation.

毕业论文和答辩工作检验着学校教学质量体系的真实性和信誉度。Thesis paper and defense work test the trueness and credibility of the teaching quality system of a university.

设计达到了较好的真实效果,显示了虚拟现实技术在材料学试验中的广泛应用前景。The system that has high trueness shows that the virtual technology is valuable in materials science experiment.

寻求真实和保障人权的结合将成为新刑事证据规则的价值取向。The combination to seek for trueness and protect the human right is the value tropism of Criminal evidence system.

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笔者概括中国茶道的精神是“和谐、宁静、圆融、朴真”的相互统一。The author summarized that the spirit of Cha Dao was the unification of harmonious, peace, accommodation and trueness.

结果保证病案管理客观、真实、完整,一靠法律,二靠自律。Result It is law and self-discipline to ensure the objectiveness, trueness and completeness of the medical record management.

庄子认为这个宇宙是在一种浑沌的状态下存在,用普通的描述方式是不足以表达其真实性的。Chuang Tzu argued that universe exists under the chaotic condition so common description is not enough to describe its trueness.