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啧,啧,啧,我们需要一个元音。Tut, tut, tut, we need a vowel.

这是一个长元音还是一个短元音?Is this a long vowel or a short vowel?

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韵母中的元音对声母系统演变的影响是其表现之一。Affection to initial from vowel is ont of them.

这是一个长元音还是一个短元音?A long vowel is a long sound as in the word "shoe".

那个学生在练习一个新母音的发音。The student was practising making a new vowel sound.

如你所见,一个读错的元音字母能改变很多。As you can see, a mispronounced vowel can change a lot.

同样地,所有英语元音和双元音都是发声的。Also, all vowel and diphthong sounds in English are voiced.

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但是他已经能清楚地说元音并开始学习词汇。But he could say vowel clearly and began to learn vocabulary.

在英语中,中元音是最常用的元音。The schwa is the most frequent vowel sound in English speech.

粤语有59个元音,普通话23个,前者是后者的两倍多。Cantonese has 59 vowel sounds, twice as many as Mandarin's 23.

几乎所有语言都有O元音、K辅音和A元音。Almost every language has an O vowel, a K consonant, and an A vowel.

要发一个长元音,你得动用很多面部肌肉。A tense vowel requires you to use a lot of facial muscles to produce.

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首先看看英文教程中关于开音节与闭音节的描述。To determine whether a syllable is closed or open, look at the vowel.

等英语词汇中的元音是短元音。The English vowel sounds in "pat", "pet", "pit", "pot", "putt" are short.

元音屈折不仅表现在语法形式中,它也存在于词汇中。Vowel inflecting exists not only in grammar forms but also in vocabulary.

掌握以上表达方式的窍门是元音发得很短。The trick for the above expressions is to keep the vowel sounds very short.

本文对前元音发音不准之共振峰模式加以论述。This article talks about formant mode of incorrect front vowel pronunciation.

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短元音很弱化和简化了,实际上,发这些音,你根本不用动你的面部。A lax vowel is very reduced, in fact, you don't need to move your face at all.

在同一个音节中,当元音字母后紧跟着一个辅音字母时,它发第一个音。A vowel says its first sound when followed by a consonant in the same syllable.

若音标成对出现,则左边为不圆唇音,右边为圆唇音。Where symbols appear in pairs, the one to the right represents a rounded vowel.